When breeding any species of parrots, it is always very difficult to determine their gender. While some develop differences in color or body shape over time, others may be almost identical. This is exactly the case with lovebird parrots, which are difficult to distinguish by sex for a novice bird watcher.

Step 1
Some lovebird species do have visual differences based on gender. For example, in males, the head is somewhat elongated, while in females it has rounded contours. In addition, the “boys” have a low forehead, which can be seen when viewed from the side. The described method is not reliable, since the physiology of birds differs. It may turn out that visually a parrot looks like a male, but in fact it is a female.

Step 2
It is quite easy to notice an adult female, which has already had its first brood. Walking along the perch, she spreads her paws very wide.

Step 3
It is possible to distinguish lovebird parrots by feeling the pelvic bone. To do this, carefully take the bird in your hands and turn it over with its tummy up. Now feel in the pelvic region for two small bones, resembling match heads. If the distance between them is about half a centimeter - in front of you is a male, and if from one centimeter or more - a female. The fact is that in females, eggs are released here. Feel the pelvic bone very carefully, without excessive effort. If you are doing this for the first time, it is better to be especially careful. The described method helps to distinguish lovebird parrots (females) that have reached adulthood or already have their first brood.

Step 4
In the event that it is not possible to establish the floor as a result of visual inspection or palpation of the pelvic bone, contact a specialist. They will be able to distinguish lovebird parrots using genetic or hormonal testing. Surely, there are other special techniques in their arsenal.