Budgerigar owners can also boast of a talkative pet on a par with the owners of cockatoos or grays. Despite the fact that it is more difficult to teach a budgerigar to speak, you can achieve success if you know a few subtleties of this matter.

Step 1
Males learn faster than females, although the latter pronounce words more clearly. The parrot speaks only on condition of its solitary confinement.

Step 2
Youngsters are more capable of learning, so you need to buy a parrot under the age of 40 days. You can figure out whether it is a male or a female by the pronounced differences. In young females, the wax is white and bluish, with a light edging near the nostrils. In males, it is colored pink.

Step 3
You need to establish strong friendly relations with a young parrot. Since parrots are sociable birds, they cannot be alone for a long time and strive to find a friend for themselves. The pet is taught to take food from the hand, sit on an arm or shoulder. They often talk to him, scratch around the ear opening. The main thing is to be patient, if the bird stubbornly does not want to learn, then you cannot break loose and shout at it.

Step 4
When the budgerigar is completely used to it, simple words begin to be spoken to him. It can be a nickname or a greeting. You do not need to load the parrot with information, let him first learn no more than two words. It is better to start teaching the parrot in the morning before giving food. You can let him listen to the recorded sound, but no longer than 40 minutes per session.
Step 5
After constant training, the budgerigar will pronounce its first word. It will not sound very clear, but pronunciation will improve over time. Now you can teach the parrot and other words, phrases and even a song. Parrots remember rhyme especially well.