Within a few hours after the birth of the swordsman fry, they become quite independent and need food. In theory, the algal bloom in the aquarium can last one to two days. However, it should be remembered that feeding the fry in the first days of life has a great influence on their further development. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of the "menu" very seriously.

Step 1
It is recommended to feed the fry 5-7 times a day in small portions. In the first half of the day, feed should be given 3-4 times with an interval of 1-1, 5. Then you can take a three-hour break. Increase the feeding interval in the afternoon to 2-2.5 hours. In the future, the number of feedings can be gradually reduced.

Step 2
For feeding, you can use both ready-made and homemade mixtures. As a rule, the first food for fry is "live dust" - small organisms that live in water bodies. It is recommended to include in the "menu" nauplii cyclops, rotifers, water "devils". In the warm season, you can make "live dust" yourself. Take a container, fill it with water and leave it outside for 1-2 days. Take a strainer and carefully collect the larvae of mosquitoes and other insects.

Step 3
It is allowed to use ready-made frozen feed, similar in composition to "live dust". However, their nutritional value is slightly lower than that of living ones. You can also use special dry food, combining it with vegetable. However, professional aquarists only use ready-made dry foods as complementary foods.

Step 4
If you, for one reason or another, did not have time to stock up on ready-made feeds or the necessary ingredients for making a mixture, then you can use egg yolk for the first feedings. Cook the egg hard and let it cool. Remove the yolk and break off a small piece. Squeeze it between the index finger and the sore finger, dip it into the water and rub it thoroughly. The resulting "dust" will serve as good nutrition for the young. Store the yolk in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 days. Also, for "emergency" feeding, you can use egg and milk powder and milk powder.

Step 5
Quite often, an infusoria-shoe is bred to feed the fry of swordtails. The introduction of this microorganism into the diet accelerates the development of fish, improves growth and makes them actively move. Boil and refrigerate two liters of water. Transfer to a jar and place the banana peel there. Place, uncovered, for 3-4 days in a bright, warm place. At first, the water in the jar will become cloudy and begin to emit a sweetish smell, then it will become transparent again. After that, the resulting solution can be gradually added to the aquarium using a syringe or spoon.

Step 6
As the fry grow, they are transferred to larger types of feed. From the second week, finely chopped brine shrimp, bloodworms and tubifex can be introduced into the diet.
Step 7
One hour after feeding the fish, thoroughly clean the bottom of the aquarium with a thin hose, collecting the remains of the food, and replace some of the water.