Cats are sleep-lovers. They remain at rest for most of the day, and sometimes even wake up during dinner. Usually, elderly animals behave this way, and kittens prefer to replace sleep with active games. If you need to wake up the cat, do it carefully, the animal can get very scared. There are many ways to interrupt a sweet cat's sleep.

Step 1
If your cat has been sleeping for a long time and you are going to feed him dinner, try gently stroking his head around the ear. Try not to make sudden movements, otherwise you may be captured by sharp claws.

Step 2
Some cats react sharply to the sound that comes from pouring dry food into a bowl. Usually this way you can attract the attention of the dormouse, and he will wake up. If your cat's plate is full, just shake the box of cat food and you will see the fluffy slugger already circling around your feet.

Step 3
Try to wake the cat by calling his name. Start in a low voice first and then a little louder until a reaction follows. If your pet does not perceive his nickname, call him "kitty-kitty".

Step 4
If the cat's long sleep is not associated with the usual desire to sleep, but is observed after an injection of sleeping pills or anesthesia, call a doctor as soon as possible. Animals, like humans, have various complications, therefore, without the help of a specialist, it will not work to wake up a fluffy.