How To Teach Your Dog To Stand

How To Teach Your Dog To Stand
How To Teach Your Dog To Stand

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Everyone who plans to attend exhibition events with their pet needs to train the dog in the correct posture. A decision about this must be made in advance, since the most effective training can take place only in childhood or puppyhood.

How to teach your dog to stand
How to teach your dog to stand

It is necessary



Step 1

Teach your puppy a simpler command to stand at your command. So it will be easier for him to learn how to stand correctly later. Make sure that even before that he has learned a few basic, simpler commands - "place", "to me". Do not start right away with a difficult one, because first he needs to acquire the learning skill itself, to get used to your behavior during lessons.

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Step 2

Do not start training without becoming familiar with the correct stance for your dog breed. There are strict standards that differ for breeds, and the slightest discrepancy with them threatens that your pet will never be able to compete with the show elite and the best representatives of its breed.

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Step 3

Train your puppy at home first. In a familiar environment, he will quickly master the necessary behavior and will fulfill your requirements. In addition, take him to places in advance where the atmosphere is similar to the exhibition. During the first such walks, do not try to demand from him to execute commands, he needs to get used to the novelty.

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Step 4

Do not force your dog to stand upright. This method is often used by novice dog breeders, but it is fundamentally wrong. The dog itself must want to take the required position. She should be comfortable and good in the rack. Remember that professional judges are waiting for you at the exhibition, who will immediately notice any inaccuracies in the stand. And if the dog is worried, they will inevitably arise - this will lead to the excessive tension of its posture. The stand should look as natural as possible.

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Step 5

Do not try to teach your dog to stand straight away. Form the required position in stages. Start with the front legs, then work your way down to the hind legs. In this case, focus not on the ideal result, but on the dog's reaction. Take care of her calmness and comfort. The best option for a puppy is training in the form of a game.
