You have acquired a small fold-eared kitten, brought this fluffy lump home and from your excitement you cannot find a name for it. But you really want your cat to be called somehow in a special way! A name for a kitten, like a name for a person, is given once in a lifetime and forever.

Step 1
First of all, if you bought a kitten with a pedigree, look in his veterinary passport - there should be a nickname given to him by the breeder. Usually such nicknames are very complex and long, and even written in a foreign language, so in order to make it easier for both you and your pet, it is better to come up with a nickname derived from this long name. For example, if your cat's name is Ice Cream Lilac Plush according to your cat's passport, you can, for example, call him Plush, etc.

Step 2
If your kitten does not yet have a veterinary passport, and all the responsibility for choosing his name falls only on you, take a closer look at the behavior of your pet, perhaps you will notice some characteristic feature for him and immediately come up with a suitable nickname.

Step 3
Of course, names like Muska, Vaska or Barsik do not differ in their originality and are hardly suitable for purebred cats. You can advise such rare nicknames as Julius, Agar, Azazello, Garfield, Gremlin, Ballu, Elvis, Moses, Walter, Wolf, Gustav, Gustar, Dantes, Danco, Yenisei, Elisey, Erofei, Athanasius, Zorro, Siegfried, Lev, Cardinal, Marseille, Oscar or Orpheus for cats and Hell, Assol, Agatha, Marilyn, Mazda, Barbara, Marta, Maya, Gioconda, Georgia, Isolde, Nymph, Nora, Berta, Uma or Umka - for cats.

Step 4
It is quite common to believe that for cats it is necessary to choose a nickname that contains hissing and whistling sounds, otherwise the animal will not respond to it. But this is hardly true, since cats are not such stupid creatures as to respond only to certain sounds - they can get used to any name.