Carp is considered an unpretentious fish, therefore it is great for breeding in a pond. Carp are quite well adapted to live in stagnant warm water bodies. Moreover, in small lakes, carp grows much faster than in large ones, since less energy is spent searching for food. So how do you properly breed carp and make a profitable business out of it?

Step 1
The most accessible and simple method of breeding and raising carp is to stock fish with yearlings in the spring and catch them in the fall. By this time, the carps have reached the marketable mass. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase yearlings, then stock the pond with fry. But this is much more difficult, as separate categories of ponds will be required for breeding, rearing and wintering.

Step 2
The optimum temperature for carp breeding is 20-28 degrees, while the water should be stagnant with a moderate amount of vegetation. The oxygen content in water should be 5-7 mg / l in summer, in winter - at least 4 mg / l. Under such conditions and good feeding, the fish will gain 5-7 grams daily. If the water temperature is less than 14 degrees, carp begin to consume less food, move little and lose weight.

Step 3
Carp feeds on almost everyone. If you do not have a special feed available, then it can be replaced with pork or chicken compound feed. Such food must be pre-kneaded and added to the water in the form of a dough. Legumes and grains are also suitable for feeding carp and must be applied swollen. It is recommended to feed the fish twice a day in a specific place designated specifically for feeding. The carp will remember the time and place of feeding, the food will not have time to sour. Many owners of carp anglers even ring the bell, so the fish goes better to the feeding place.

Step 4
Worms, small crustaceans and insect larvae are considered natural food for carp. Maintain a constant water level in the pond, the desired depth is one meter. The most popular breeds of carp for breeding are: mirror, scaly, naked, linear, Ukrainian and frame.

Step 5
The intensive cultivation of carp is based on the use of compound feeds with a high protein content. With this method, you can increase the number of carp, but you will need to provide additional flow through the reservoir or aeration. Since with a high density of carp, pollution in the reservoir increases, and this carries the risk of spreading diseases. Compound feed is not cheap, so it is more expedient to use it in conjunction with cereals.