You won't surprise anyone with familiar cats, dogs and hamsters in the house. Recently, it has become very fashionable and prestigious to keep exotic animals. Monkeys are considered the funniest. In order for a pet to feel like a pet, efforts should be made to create conditions of detention.

Step 1
If you want to please yourself or your child with a monkey, then first find out which types of monkeys are allowed to be kept in Russia and which are prohibited. Don't wait until you find out you are keeping a monkey illegally.

Step 2
Read the various advertisements and advertisements for the sale of different species of monkeys, and choose a species that will be small in size as an adult. Find out from experts about the habits of the animal, the features of the content.

Step 3
Calculate your budget. Exotic animals are not cheap. Buying a pet is a joyful event, but it shouldn't hurt the family budget.

Step 4
It's better to go to a pet store for a purchase. There animals are kept in proper conditions, all have permits. Buy a cage, the necessary equipment for it, a leash. After you have purchased your pet, take it to your veterinarian. Get the necessary vaccinations.

Step 5
Do not forget that the monkey is a representative of the wild, in spite of the external prettiness, its habits are quite aggressive. The monkeys are cute while they are small. Sooner or later, she will show instincts.

Step 6
Keep the monkey in a cage by releasing it periodically. Do not leave her unattended; broken dishes, scattered food, damaged furniture, torn things - this is the result of your carelessness.
Step 7
Keep in mind that it is almost impossible for a monkey to be toilet or diaper trained. She will defecate on the floor and carpets. The cage should be cleaned and disinfected daily. If you are not ready to endure this for a long time, immediately give up the idea of buying an animal. Monkeys live up to forty years.
Step 8
The adult monkey is quite aggressive; as in nature, trying to defend its dominance, you may be attacked. Don't try to raise her as a child, this is a wild animal.