Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In search of an increase in labor productivity and a decrease in the cost of milk, eggs and meat, an interesting solution was found - feed erection. Using this method, you can "cook" wheat, corn, peas, soybeans, almost any grain and legumes, even straw becomes quite edible for cows and increases milk yield
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The correct feeding of the ferret depends not only on its health, but also on its mood. When kept at home, animals must be provided with a full range of necessary food. Certain food categories need to be treated with great care, even though the animals are very fond of them
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Guppies are the most common type of aquarium fish. They have beautiful colors, are friendly and unpretentious. Therefore, many of them turn on them. It is necessary to feed guppies 3 times a day. If the aquarist has the opportunity to do this more often, then you can give them food every 3-4 hours
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Laying hens have become popular not only among rural residents who are engaged in farming, but also among urban residents who have their own summer cottages. Chickens that lay eggs need special nutrition. The diet for them should be as complete as possible, i
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The cat, although it is one of the most popular pets, by its nature it remains a carnivorous predator, whose digestive tract is designed to process exclusively meat food. Therefore, many other foods are harmful to cats, especially those that animals get from the "
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Hares are mammals that live on all continents. In Russia, they are found from Lake Ladoga to Primorsky Territory. Themselves as meat prey of carnivores, hares feed on exceptional vegetation, both juicy and tender, and rough, fibrous. Summer variety Hares choose an open area for habitation, without dense vegetation, which is important for their quick movement in case of danger
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Feeding your cat dry food would be just the perfect solution. It is fast, convenient and economical. But is it worth torturing your pet by giving him nasty crackers instead of meat? And isn't it bad for his health? Features of feeding dry food It is worth noting that dry food is a balanced complete diet, therefore, it should be given to a cat according to certain rules
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The family of snakes has more than 2000 species, the most common are water and common, or land. When keeping a snake in captivity, you need to create all conditions so that the reptile does not die. An amateur serpentologist should know not only the rules of keeping and breeding, but also feeding snakes
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
An animal at home is not only joy and comfort, but also responsibility for the little creature that you bring up. You need to look after him, monitor hygiene and, of course, feed him according to all the rules. Guinea pigs in a pet store cause a smile and affection, and you just want to stroke them
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Bloodworms are the larvae of the dergun mosquito with a length of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. Due to the large amount of hemoglobin dissolved in it, it has a red color. It lives in stagnant waters and is one of the most useful food for many species of aquarium fish
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The health of the turtle is directly dependent on a proper and varied diet. Moreover, this matter should be approached extremely seriously. Indeed, in nature, turtles eat one type of food or another, depending on the season. Feeding errors can cost your turtle its life
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Fish of the cichlid family are common in Africa, Central and South America, and only two species live in Southeast Asia. Naturally, cichlids are found in stagnant and slow-flowing waters. And there are representatives of the cichlid family, common among aquarists:
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Often, dog owners give their pets treats, rewarding them during training and education for good behavior, and sometimes just like that. Choosing the right treats will keep your dog healthy and happy. Delicacies can increase the calorie content of the diet, so their amount in the dog's daily diet should never exceed 10%
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
On the shelves of pet stores, you can see dozens of different types of food for parrots. It is worth remembering that only those intended for small birds are suitable for wavy ones. But even among such feeds there are both good and downright dangerous
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In frosts, it is especially difficult for birds to get their own food. But it is the well-fed birds that are able to survive the cold without losses in flocks. In the stone jungle of the city, it is also not easy to find food. The townspeople should take care of our smaller winged brothers
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The question of how safe and healthy dry cat food is is, of course, controversial. Of course, with a lack of free time, it is more convenient for the owner to transfer his animal to feeding on dry food. However, the process of switching from food to dry food should be as comfortable for your cat as possible
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The pig in the home farm is one of the main suppliers of meat to the table. To get high-quality meat and tasty fat from an animal, you need to take good care of it and feed it properly. Instructions Step 1 In principle, pigs are pretty omnivorous, so they will eat whatever you put in their feeder, but this does not mean that you can feed them all sorts of rubbish, because what kind of meat you get from this animal depends on the quality of the feed
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
On the streets of many Russian cities, there are many stray dogs and cats running around that need regular nutrition and care. Some compassionate residents feed these animals, preventing them from starving to death. There are folk craftsmen who have learned to create automatic feeders that are programmed to pour out food when animals arrive or at a certain time
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The dwarf rabbit as a pet is a great alternative to traditional cats and dogs. Let's dwell on one very important aspect of keeping dwarf rabbits - feeding. Instructions Step 1 Dwarf rabbits have a tiny single chamber stomach and a very high rate of food digestion
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You've got a pet - a small and very cute kitten. One of the main questions about caring for him that arises in the owner's head: when and how to translate this cute creature into specialized cat food, because this feeding method is the most optimal, convenient and practical
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The naturalness and benefits of store-bought feed is often questioned. Therefore, it is better to make dry food yourself. This food is suitable for both cats and dogs. You can choose from the following feed formulations: Boiled beef heart, 1 tablespoon of fish oil, 1 carrot, 200 g of boiled rice
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
The owner should be responsible for the complete diet of his dog. It is from the correct feeding of the pet that its health and appearance, as well as mood, will depend. The main thing is to decide whether the dog will be fed naturally or on ready-made feed from the manufacturer
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Kids - kittens touch and delight, hardly anyone will be able to pass by a fluffy squeaking lump. The appearance of a kitten in the house is partly similar to the birth of a child: worries, anxieties and even sleepless nights! At a certain age, kittens, like infants, need complementary foods, because mother's milk is no longer enough for them
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Correct and balanced nutrition is the key to the health of your pet. More and more owners choose to feed their pets with dry food. It is very convenient, you do not need to waste time preparing food. You just need to choose good food and follow a specific feeding schedule
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A competent approach to keeping and feeding aquatic turtles is the key to their healthy and long life. Developing a balanced diet for these animals is not difficult at all. How to properly feed a water turtle? Instructions Step 1 It is recommended to feed aquatic turtles during the day, after the animal warms up well under the heating lamps
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Burdock seeds are loved by Linnet (repolov), siskins and goldfinches. Moreover, they all belong to the same genus, so we can say with confidence: the most important lovers of burdock seeds are goldfinches. Instructions Step 1 And the wild goldfinch loves to feast on the seeds of burdock, and the house bird will be glad if the owners please her with this treat
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Feeding your dog is a crucial step in keeping a pet. Your dog needs a balanced diet. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the food that is as rich as possible in vitamins and minerals. If it is necessary to switch to another feed, attention should be paid to this issue
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Nightingales belong to the Sparrow-like order of birds and the Flycatcher family. As an animal for domestic use, the so-called common nightingale with a body length of 17 centimeters, large dark eyes and a reddish tail is most common. Nightingales live practically throughout Europe, as well as in Western Asia, where they sometimes become a pet
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Many people hang feeders outside their windows in winter. Indeed, in the cold season, in relation to food for birds, it can be very difficult to do without human help. But what kind of food and what birds are better to put in the feeders? How to feed titmouses and other birds in winter?
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A carelessly chosen diet can cause irreparable harm to the health of a small fluffy pet. Therefore, to feed decorative rabbits, it is necessary to carefully select products and monitor the intake of a balanced amount of essential trace elements and vitamins into his body
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
When purchasing a puppy of any breed, you should clearly understand that his health and proper development largely depend on how complete his nutrition will be. Prepare in advance for the appearance of a pet in the house and consult with the breeder from whom you are purchasing the fox terrier puppy
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
One of the most important tasks for quail breeders is to properly feed the birds. It is because of the wrong attitude to the diet that most diseases occur. Quails are not particularly whimsical in food. When choosing a feed for them, the main criterion is its quality
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Feeding piglets depends entirely on the age periods, which are conventionally divided into three stages. The first stage "Sucking" lasts from birth to four weeks. The second stage of weaning continues until the piglet is six weeks old
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
In order for our pets to delight us with their presence for a long time, it is necessary not only to constantly look after them, regularly show them to the veterinarian, but also to feed them correctly. It is necessary Fresh meat, vegetables, cereals Industrial animal feed Instructions Step 1 To make our cats feel great, you need to be very responsible about their feeding
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Quails are domestic birds that are kept only in cages. They are deprived of the opportunity to get food on their own, and therefore they need to receive adequate nutrition. Quail feed must necessarily consist of three main ingredients: protein, vitamin, grain, plus gravel, shells and water
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
A healthy ferret should eat foods of animal origin, such as poultry, beef, turkey, horse meat, and sea fish. You can cook minced meat based on these products by adding various cereals to it. Water should always be present on the ferret's table
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Chicks in the nest can suddenly become orphaned. It is not that difficult to feed them. You just need to know what kind of birds they are, what they usually eat. If you have a yellow-cheeked pet, try to learn as much as possible about it, and only then start feeding
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Sheep provide not only milk, meat, but also wool. The specially dressed sheepskin skin deserves special praise. Such productivity of animals is supported by their special ration of feed: it contains 1.5-2 times more plant species than other herbivores
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
Feeding your pet dry food greatly simplifies the life of the owner. But for a cat, such food should be the best option in terms of the amount of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, when choosing a feed, take into account its content
Last modified: 2025-01-22 15:01
You got a rabbit, and you bought all sorts of boxes with food and vitamins for him. To keep your pet happy and healthy, carefully monitor what food he likes and what he doesn't. All rabbits have different tastes, so it is necessary to choose an individual diet for him, be sure to leave good hay as the main component