When purchasing a puppy of any breed, you should clearly understand that his health and proper development largely depend on how complete his nutrition will be. Prepare in advance for the appearance of a pet in the house and consult with the breeder from whom you are purchasing the fox terrier puppy.

Step 1
Designate a separate place where you will feed the puppy, it is better to locate it in the kitchen, where the flooring can be washed frequently. Make sure that the baby is comfortable eating, so it is better to purchase a special height-adjustable stand with bowls for food and water.

Step 2
At first, so that there is no additional stress for the puppy who finds himself in a new home for him, continue to feed him the same way as the breeder, and then gradually transfer him to natural food. His daily diet should contain the following products: milk 250-500 g, meat 50-100 g, cereals 50-80 g, gray bread 30 g, vegetables and herbs 30 g, calcium 1 g, vitamin D - 1 teaspoon.

Step 3
If a fox terrier puppy came to you at a very early age, up to 2 months, then you need to feed him often, 6 times a day. From 2 to 4 months, reduce the number of feeds to 5 and feed him every 4 hours. From 4 months to six months, feed 4 times a day, then, up to 10 months - 3 times a day. After 10 months, the number of feedings can be limited to 2 times a day, just like an adult dog.

Step 4
Feeding your fox terrier puppy correctly means not feeding him from your table. Completely exclude the possibility of tubular bones from poultry and rabbit, bony river fish, various chicken meat from poultry factories where the bird is fed with hormones and chemicals, sausages of any kind, sweets and pastries. Please note that it will be difficult for the puppy's stomach to digest barley, semolina, peas and beans - such cereals are practically not digested.

Step 5
Give the puppy half the daily portion of meat raw, finely chopped. Boil the rest and add to porridge. Meat - lamb or beef is better, sometimes offal is possible - tripe, liver. Fish can only be boiled and seafood, without bones.

Step 6
Be sure to feed your dog cottage cheese, raw eggs (once a week), dairy products. Oatmeal is very useful, which is made by brewing oatmeal with hot broth. Cook the rest of the porridge. Be sure to add fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs chopped to cereals. Buy vitamin supplements for your puppy that are age-appropriate.
Step 7
Do not keep your puppy's bowl full after feeding, remove food after 15 minutes. If the puppy has not finished eating the food during this time, it means that he is not very hungry. But be sure to pour fresh water after each feeding.