How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie Down"

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie Down"
How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Voice", "Sit", "Lie Down"

It is advisable to start training any pet at puppyhood. It was during this period that the foundations of the relationship with the dog were laid. You can teach the dog commands on your own, but at the first experience it is better to start work under the supervision of a dog handler.

How to teach a dog commands
How to teach a dog commands

How to teach a dog the Voice command

Sometimes it is necessary for the dog to start barking at your command. The pitching of the voice is practiced at the time of the game, like most teams. When playing with a pet, for example, playing a ball, periodically say the command "Voice", wait for a spontaneous barking from him and immediately praise the dog violently and joyfully, repeating "Voice, voice!", Give a treat (a small piece of cheese, dried liver).

Repeat the process until the team is fully consolidated. It is important to change the toy and the arousal situations so that the dog does not associate the praise from you with the game, but sees a direct connection between your command, barking and reward.

How to teach a dog to sit command

The classic training for this command is as follows. A treat is taken into the hand, shown to the pet, but not given. A hand with a treat is brought over the dog's head, the command "Sit" is given, while the other hand presses on the dog's sacrum, forcing the dog to sit down. As soon as she sits down, the delicacy is immediately given, followed by stormy praise with the repetition of the command.

Currently, dog handlers prefer to use the contactless training option for this team. That is, no pressure is made on the sacrum, while the command “Sit” is pronounced, the hand with the treat is brought over the head and is moved slightly forward so that the dog is forced to throw it back without taking his eyes off the treat. It will be natural for the dog to sit in this position, which he will do. Immediately you need to give the treat and praise the pet.

How to teach a dog to lie down

The command "Lie down" is learned with the pet using a similar method. The dog is shown a treat held in his left hand, then this hand is lowered to the floor, at the same time the command “Lie down” is given, and the right hand presses on the withers of the dog, forcing it to lie down. As soon as the required position is reached, the treat is immediately given and praise follows, interspersed with the repetition of the learned command "Lie down".

Beginners (and not only beginners) in the process of this training often make the mistake of allowing the dog to take any kind of recumbent position. The pet should not be allowed to fall on its side while lying down; a clear position is needed: paws forward, muzzle above paws. Correct the dog as many times as necessary, and give a treat only for correct performance.

It's important to know

You need to repeat the training of any team 4-5 times in one approach, during the whole day, to consolidate, you need to do about 3-4 approaches. Any commands should be started before feeding, so that praising a treat has a strong positive effect. Learning a new command begins only after the completion of the previous one.

In the same way, you can teach an adult dog commands. But in this case, quite expectedly, it will take more time, patience and perseverance. If the pet is with obvious behavioral disorders, it is advisable to coordinate any training with an instructor-dog handler. In general, you can teach a dog commands in 3-5 days, depending on the breed, the age of the pet and your persistence.
