Fish of the cichlid family are common in Africa, Central and South America, and only two species live in Southeast Asia. Naturally, cichlids are found in stagnant and slow-flowing waters. And there are representatives of the cichlid family, common among aquarists: acara, cichlazoma, scalar.

It is necessary
- - live food: bloodworms, tubifex, earthworms;
- - dried food: dry daphnia;
- - additional feed: scraped raw meat, boiled egg yolk.
Step 1
The best foods for home aquarium dwellers are those that fish eat in nature, where they use natural food in accordance with species needs and age. Most cichlids are predators, they are aggressive towards small species and even members of their family. But this does not prevent cichlids from eating plant food (algae).

Step 2
Living organisms are the best and most complete food for all fish. Therefore, in all cases, whenever possible, use living organisms to feed cichlids. It is also desirable that the food be varied. A variety of food ensures good condition of the fish, their intense coloration and successful reproduction.

Step 3
You need to feed the cichlids 1-2 times a day. The amount of feed should not be large. Excess feed should be removed as soon as the fish have finished eating.
Step 4
For large individuals of the cichlid family, good food is small earthworms, scraped meat, small fish, roe of frogs and tadpoles. Earthworms can be fed whole, but it is better to cut them into small pieces with a knife and give the amount that the fish can eat at one time.
Step 5
Small species of cichlids should be fed with tubules, bloodworms, and daphnia. The fry can be fed with cut bloodworms. Place some bloodworms on a small piece of glass and, holding it at an angle so that the blood can drain, quickly cut the bloodworm with a knife until it turns into mush. In order for the fish to more easily find the cut bloodworm and eat it without a trace, it must be thrown into the aquarium in a lump.
Step 6
If necessary, dried organisms are used to feed cichlids, but dry food is not complete enough. Usually it is an auxiliary food item. Various feeds that are not used by fish in natural conditions (finely chopped raw meat, boiled egg yolk) are also used as auxiliary and additional feeds.