A Dog For Himself - What Would That Mean?

A Dog For Himself - What Would That Mean?
A Dog For Himself - What Would That Mean?

The world of dog breeding is so huge and diverse that, while communicating on the same topic, people may not understand each other correctly. For example, such an expression among animal lovers - "a dog for himself", in the understanding of breeders and ordinary owners, may have a different meaning.

A dog for himself - what would that mean?
A dog for himself - what would that mean?

Breeding dogs for yourself

Breeding dogs, the breeder pursues the goal of preserving and improving the population of the breed. However, in his work, he is faced with the inevitable - the sale of puppies. In the best case, 1-2 puppies can be left in the kennel with plans for further breeding, sometimes someone from the litter may interest another breeder for the same breeding purposes.

But still, most of the cute adorable thoroughbred puppies are looking for new owners from the "squad" of so-called simple hands. Needless to say, this "squad" means all ordinary dog owners who are not associated with the society of dog handlers, breeders, exhibitions and other wisdom of the canine world. It is during the communication of just ordinary owners with the world of dog breeders that a lot of misunderstandings arise, sometimes acquiring catastrophic proportions.

The literal meaning of the phrase "a dog for yourself"

In the understanding of a simple dog lover, to take a dog for himself means to have a pet, friend and companion for his usual life, as a rule, without further exhibitions, breeding, etc. When expressing their desire to buy a puppy, people can also talk about looking for a dog for the soul on the couch. These are all synonymous expressions. And ordinary owners use them in conversation with the breeder, unaware of, alas, the often distorted perception of such phrases among dog breeders.

A far-fetched collision and ways to resolve it

And the fact is that among breeders there is a very stable idea that, when choosing a dog for himself, the buyer, firstly, is looking for a puppy as cheaply as possible, and secondly, he obviously does not plan to spend money on it in the future. That is, in the minds of dog breeders, as a rule, people with an extremely consumer attitude towards pets are looking for a dog for themselves. These are the owners, whose dogs sit on a chain, eat scraps from the table, do not know affectionate, friendly communication, and in case of illness they treat themselves with what God sent.

Needless to say, how much outrage and bitterness this approach to pet maintenance causes in all dog lovers. No breeder wishes a similar fate to a puppy from his litter. Therefore, many dog handlers, just after hearing the phrase "We would have a dog for ourselves," slam the door in front of the buyers, leaving the latter in complete bewilderment. But they, perhaps, meant that they dream of having a puppy, raising and loving him as their own …

Such a contrived dramatic collision takes place in the world of dog breeding. Reasonable breeders, of course, ask leading questions when communicating with a buyer and see what kind of buyer is asking them for a puppy. But if you ever have to buy a dog and you have the sacred "we would like a dog for ourselves, for the soul", try to decipher the breeder yourself what you mean by this phrase. Just tell us more about how you plan to live with your pet, how you will feed it, bring it up, an adequate dog handler will understand you correctly.
