The owner should be responsible for the complete diet of his dog. It is from the correct feeding of the pet that its health and appearance, as well as mood, will depend. The main thing is to decide whether the dog will be fed naturally or on ready-made feed from the manufacturer.

A dog can ask its owner for almost any food: out of curiosity or a desire to feast on. However, veterinarians and professional breeders warn pet owners against feeding what the dog asks for. The choice of food for a pet should be taken seriously and deliberately, since feeding a dog directly affects its health and well-being.

All traditional ingredients should be present in the diet: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, water. The calorie content of dog food is calculated on average according to the scheme: 75 kilocalories per 1 kilogram of the weight of an adult and 140 kilocalories per kilogram of puppy weight. Older dogs tend to eat less than half the adult serving.

It is a mistake to assume that the dog's diet is based on meat. Unlike cats, dogs are not so carnivorous: meat and liver for them can and should be combined with boiled rice and eggs, and powdered milk can be added to food. Little by little, it is allowed to introduce offal (liver) and fish into the diet, always without bones.

Together with meat or separately, you need to feed the dog with vegetables. Raw and finely chopped or grated carrots, cabbage, bell peppers, beets will do. Greens are welcomed in the diet, you do not need to prohibit the free-range dog from chewing edible herbs. Sometimes you can treat your pet to unsweetened fruit, biscuit or a piece of cheese. However, you should be careful with dairy products: many dogs get diarrhea from them. The approximate ratio of meat, cereals and vegetables with natural feeding of the dog should correspond to the proportion of 30:40:30.

Dogs are also happy to eat ready-made commercial food, both dry and wet (canned). When choosing this type of feeding, it is better to give preference to balanced, expensive, high-calorie foods (premium and super-premium brands), which are based on meat products, not soy or corn.