If you notice that your cat has taken up a chair or a brand new carpet and shamelessly sharpens its claws on them, remember that this is not a whim, but a necessity. Cats need to grind the edge of the claws, otherwise they begin to interfere with them. Of course, you can cut them, but this is not entirely humane. You can switch the attention of a fluffy from a chair to a special scratching post, which you can buy or make with your own hands.

Take a regular block or even small log. This will be the basis for the scratching post. If you do not have any unnecessary wooden blocks, you can look in the forest for a thick branch. Even a shovel handle will do.

Now look for a piece of carpet that you can buy by foot in any building and finishing materials store. You can use material from an old coat or from a sheepskin coat. Faux fur coats will not work, the base is too soft, so the cat will tear it completely apart in a few days, and you will have to constantly remove shreds of faux fur from the floor.

Wrap the material around the block and nail in with small nails. You can also glue the carpet to the wood. You need to fasten the material with the fluffy side to the base, otherwise the cat will instantly pull out all the pile, and the claws will not sharpen. The scratching post is ready, it remains only to fix it in a convenient place.

There is another option for cat entertainment. Take a dense material and nail it to the wall, you can in the place where the cat constantly tears the wallpaper. Even if a clawed homebody once tries to pick up a scratching post, he will lose all interest in other more valuable things. But not everyone remains lovers of upholstered furniture and carpets, and especially quick-witted ones tear the wallpaper.