How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Give", "Paw", "Fu", "Aport"

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Give", "Paw", "Fu", "Aport"
How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Give", "Paw", "Fu", "Aport"

In living together with four-legged pets, upbringing occupies a considerable place. And even if you are not going to be on guard duty with your friend, teaching the dog commands will allow you to understand it better and make life much easier.

How to teach a dog commands - "Give", "Paw", "Fu", "Aport"
How to teach a dog commands - "Give", "Paw", "Fu", "Aport"

How to teach a dog the "Give" command

The Dai team is very important in everyday life. The ability to take a toy from a pet (especially someone else's), a bone of dubious quality found on the ground and other foreign objects is an important component of the educational process. The team, in spite of its seeming lightness, is one of the most important and difficult ones, because is based on the psychological aspect of your dog's trust in you as its leader. Only the leader has the right to take something from the members of his pack, all dogs know this law from the cradle. Therefore, if you do not succeed in training, it is highly advisable to consult with a dog handler-instructor.

Team training is intuitive and simple. The dog must be on a leash, when it grabs an object into its mouth, give the command "Give" and stretch out a free hand. The dog will not come right away, you need to help the pet with a leash, avoiding uncomfortable sensations, carefully but firmly pick up the object from the mouth, while uttering the command "Give". As soon as the item is in your possession, there is a storm of praise and a treat (a piece of cheese or dry liver). The team is practiced 4-5 times in one approach, during the day it is advisable to do 4-5 approaches (this applies to learning any team).

How to teach a dog the "Fu" command

The "Fu" command is similar to the previous one with the only difference that the dog still needs to distract himself from the prohibited action, object, and not just spit something out. The team is studied from the cradle, as soon as the puppy tries to chase the cat, pick up something from the ground, or jump on someone. All the same leash is required, which serves as a means of preventing action, at the same time there is a sharp shout of "Fu!"

How to teach a dog the Paw command

This is more of an entertaining game than an important part of a pet's socialization. At home, when communicating with your pet, you can again use the reward method. Sit the dog next to you, show it a piece of treat, squeezed in one hand, say the sacred "Paw" and raise the pet's paw with the other hand. Hold the paw in this position for a few seconds, release it and immediately give the treat, praise the dog. Under no circumstances should an animal be hurt during this training.

How to teach a dog the command "Aport"

A pet on this command brings items - this is a very useful skill not only in everyday life. However, you need to learn the action only after the completion of the "Give" command. The best way to train your pet is with a wooden stick. If you need to train a hunting dog, it is advisable to make soft socks that resemble a bird's carcass in size and shape. However, it is better to train a hunting dog under the supervision of an instructor.

Place the dog at the left leg and wave the object in front of its nose, as if teasing. The dog will want to grab the irritant with his teeth, at this moment give the command "Aport" and let the pet take the item from you. As soon as the dog clenches the object in his teeth, treat him with a treat, praise and continue training.

If the grip of the teeth is weak, slightly pull the stick towards you - the grip will increase. As a last resort, you can replace the stick with a large tubular bone for the first time. Start throwing the aport to the side only when the grip of the object being deported has been fully worked out. When the dog seizes on the command of the thrown aport, give the command "Give" and take the item, praising and treating the dog at the same time.

Gradually, if desired, the task can be complicated: to teach the pet not only to bring, but first to look for an aport. Try to diversify the handling items so that the dog does not develop a stereotype to work only on a stick. It is considered that the command is learned if the dog, on command, finds and brings objects thrown at a distance of at least 15 meters, and gives them to the owner.
