How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Place", "Nearby", "To Me"

How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Place", "Nearby", "To Me"
How To Teach A Dog Commands - "Place", "Nearby", "To Me"

Having got a dog, a person, in addition to a sea of positive and devoted friendship, also receives a considerable share of responsibility for a four-legged pet. In modern society, a dog should not cause inconvenience to others. To have a controlled friend, you need to teach your dog commands, the most important of which are call commands and directions.

How to teach a dog commands - "Place", "Near", "To me"
How to teach a dog commands - "Place", "Near", "To me"

How to teach a dog the command "Place"

To train the team at home, you need to purchase a bed for the dog, you can start training as soon as the puppy gets comfortable in the new house. For an adult dog, training can be postponed for a couple of days, because adaptation takes longer.

Take a treat (dry liver, a piece of cheese) in your hand, show it to the dog, command "Place" and, without giving away the treat, go to the dog's bed. The pet will follow you (for a hand with a treat) and, as soon as he is on the couch, praise him, give the treat, repeating "Place, well done, place."

Repeat the training 3 times for this approach. Give the command from a different location each time. In the next step, you need to move on to working out the command without you moving. Put the treat on the puppy's bed in advance, step away, call the dog to you and command "Place". For the first times, you can help your pet by pointing your hand in the direction of the bed. The dog, having reached the place, will receive his treat, support the action you need with praise.

How to teach a dog to command "Near"

The command "Near" is practiced on a walk after the pet has been walked. Put a collar on the puppy in advance and attach a leash to it. Take the leash in your left hand, and squeeze the treat in your right hand, give the command "Near", showing your hand with the treat to the dog (keep the leash short). As soon as the pet takes a position on your left leg, praise him and give him the treat.

Start the movement by keeping the leash short and saying "Near", when you achieve the desired movement and position of the dog, encourage it after 3-5 meters with a treat. The first movement should not be further than 10 meters. For a long walk, the training should be repeated 40-50 minutes later, before returning home. Do not learn any more commands on this day. Practice the command on a short leash every walk. If the command is done well, go to the “Side by side” practice, first with a weakened leash, then if there are irritants (for example, other dogs playing nearby).

How to teach a dog the command "Come to me"

This command is extremely important for any four-legged pet going out for a walk in the big world. Taking responsibility for the dog, the owner must be able to ensure its unquestioning approach at the first call. A lot of tragic cases could have been avoided if the pets knew the "Come to me" command.

It is advisable to start training at home, but you can also take a walk, just after a walk. The dog must be on a long leash. The learning process itself is simple: call your pet by name so that he draws attention to you, then loudly and clearly give the command "To me". If the pet does not start moving in your direction, pull it by the leash, thereby prompting what is required of it. As soon as the puppy runs up to you, immediately praise him and give him a treat.

Despite the simplicity of training, this command is one of the most insidious, because ideally should be performed always, in any position, situation. Therefore, its painstaking work is important here, on each walk, call the dog to you, praising for the approach. Never give a command if you are not sure that it will be carried out; for the same reason, during the first months of practicing the “Come to me” command, you need to walk with your pet only on a leash.

It took about 2-3 weeks from the Rough Collie to perfect sanding, but the dog was already quite large, about 8-9 months. Quite bare-toothed puppies catch quickly, but there is a danger of losing approach during the period of maturation and checking of the owner. From about 7-10 months, you need to carefully monitor how the dog performs the learned command. At the slightest hint of a rollback, action must be taken.
