Each four-legged friend needs a place in the house. Maybe it will be a bedding by the door or a pillow on a room sofa, a soft fur house or a large winter kennel? Whichever option the pet owner chooses, you need to carefully consider all the details and provide the dog with the most comfortable conditions for sleeping and resting.

Step 1
Determine what size house your dog needs. For large animals (Great Danes, Shepherds, Labradors), plan walls 1 * 1.5 meters and a height of 1 meter, for medium-sized breeds (Terriers, Shar Pei, Rottweilers) - 0.7 * 1.2 m and a height of 0.8 m. For small dogs (dachshund, Shih Tzu, lapdog) make a booth with dimensions 0.7 * 0.5 m high 0.5 m. To more accurately determine the appropriate size, measure the length of the dog and its height at the withers. When making a hole, stick to the width of your pet's chest.
Step 2
If you are the owner of a small indoor dog, make a house for her from fabric and foam rubber inside. Such a house is convenient for installation anywhere in the apartment, for washing and dry cleaning. Use non-soiled colors. Fleece, velvet, artificial fur are well suited for manufacturing. Cut out the necessary parts from a large piece of foam, cover them with fabric and connect the edges. Outside, the house can be decorated with accessories of a similar theme: fabric bones, patches in the form of dog paw prints, etc.
Step 3
To install a booth on the street, carefully consider the area. Choose a place near your home that offers the widest view of the area so your dog will feel as comfortable as possible. The area for the house should be dry and have shaded and sunny areas. It is best to install a house under a tree so that the dog can be in the partial shade of the crown, and if necessary, go out to bask in the sun.
Step 4
Make a summer kennel for a dog out of plywood and boards, cover the roof with roofing material or slate. When registering the entrance, make sure that the boards are not "crammed". Before settling in, carefully clean all the wooden edges of the house with a file or sandpaper. Place a rug or old blanket inside. Decorate the outside of the booth according to the design of your site: paint the walls, cover the roof with suitable material, put a weather vane or hang a flashlight over the entrance.
Step 5
A large dog needs a solid, solid house: draw a sketch according to the measured parameters, assemble a bottom from a bar and a floorboard, reinforce the side walls and attach a removable roof.
Step 6
Insulate the house intended for wintering. Sheathe the walls and floor with insulating material, make a double bottom and cover it with waterproofing. Hang up the hole with a thick cloth, weighted from below with stripes from bags with river sand or pebbles, and lay a warm cloth or fur on the floor.