How To Feed A Pet Rabbit

How To Feed A Pet Rabbit
How To Feed A Pet Rabbit

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You got a rabbit, and you bought all sorts of boxes with food and vitamins for him. To keep your pet happy and healthy, carefully monitor what food he likes and what he doesn't. All rabbits have different tastes, so it is necessary to choose an individual diet for him, be sure to leave good hay as the main component.

How to feed a pet rabbit
How to feed a pet rabbit

It is necessary

Coarse, concentrated feed, vegetables, fruits, vitamin and mineral supplements, water, drinker


Step 1

Stick to the basic feeding schedule and try not to deviate from it, as rabbits have a very sensitive digestive system. They react to any stress with diarrhea and nervous behavior, which is very harmful to them. If you have recently become the owner of a rabbit or are going to take it with you on the road, then for the first 3-4 days feed it only with good hay. For example, not overdried hay of legumes does not spoil and contains a lot of proteins and vitamins. When the animal gets used to the environment, slowly introduce new types of food into its diet.

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Step 2

In the summer, treat him with juicy green food. Carrots, Jerusalem artichoke, fodder beets, apples, zucchini and various greens are the favorite treats of rabbits. Vegetables and fruits should be washed and given to the animals only raw. In addition, these foods have properties that increase milk supply in lactating females. Greens and herbs in the diet should not be too much. Remember to add hay and concentrated feed when feeding. Hay belongs to roughage. But rabbits need it all year round. Add twig and straw to the feeder. Rabbits love branches of aspen, linden, maple, as well as fruit crops. This type of food normalizes digestion and is necessary for them to grind their teeth.

feed the decorative rabbit
feed the decorative rabbit

Step 3

In winter, feed your pet preferably with hay, adding vegetables and concentrates. Remember to keep hay in the cage at all times. It should contain green leaves and your rabbit will like it. their taste preferences may differ. Get a special feeder for it, or make a bunch of hay and hang it in the cage so it doesn't get dirty. Give preference to quality concentrated feed. You can now purchase a variety of correctly selected mixes at pet stores. Find the right formula for your pet and feed it according to the dosage.

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Step 4

Keep in mind that rabbits can feed up to 30 times a day and are not at all averse to eating a dense meal at night. Therefore, do not forget to leave food in the trough overnight. The same is true for water. Make sure that it is always clean. Purchase a special drinker to keep the water fresher for longer.

how to feed rabbits
how to feed rabbits

Step 5

Do not forget the recommendations of experts that it is better to give juicy feed to the rabbit in the morning. So you see how quickly he eats them and whether they cause digestive upset in him. You can quickly take action when needed.

feed the rabbits
feed the rabbits

Step 6

Observe the most important rule when feeding domestic rabbits - the constant presence of a variety of food in the feeder. In addition, add vitamins and mineral supplements to your food from time to time.
