What Do Turtles Eat

What Do Turtles Eat
What Do Turtles Eat

The health of the turtle is directly dependent on a proper and varied diet. Moreover, this matter should be approached extremely seriously. Indeed, in nature, turtles eat one type of food or another, depending on the season. Feeding errors can cost your turtle its life.

What do turtles eat
What do turtles eat

In order to correctly compose a menu for your pet, you need to find out what species it belongs to. Food preferences are formed in the turtle, depending on its habitat. Some species prefer only meat, others algae, plants, seeds. The American box turtle is not picky and eats almost anything. There are types of turtles that, at a young age, prefer only worms and beetles, and when they mature, they begin to eat everything.

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An important element is calcium

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The turtle's diet should be high in calcium and phosphorus. However, it is not enough to provide the pet's body with these elements. For them to be absorbed and to be beneficial, vitamin D3 is needed, which is produced in the pet's body under the influence of heat and sunlight. If vitamin D3 cannot be obtained naturally for some reason, you can purchase the drug at a pet store.

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The turtle's menu can include protein-rich foods. This can be boiled fish, eggs, lean beef, shrimp, chicken, earthworms. Occasionally, you can give food to cats and dogs. Only fatty and raw meat, as well as fish are banned.

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In moderation, protein foods may not harm your turtle. However, if the pet mainly eats only such food, it may soon develop kidney problems. Therefore, do not be lazy to diversify the turtle's diet with protein and plant foods, the percentage of which depends on the type of turtle.

Thus, feeding domestic carnivorous turtles and herbivores differs from feeding omnivores by the content of plants and proteins. For example, a predatory turtle for a normal existence must eat 90% of protein food and 10% of plant food. Whereas in herbivorous turtles, the opposite happens.

Plant food

In addition to phosphorus, calcium and proteins, the turtle's menu should contain plant foods. Offer your pet potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, a slice of pumpkin, green peas, beans, grains. You can also diversify food with grape leaves, lettuce, thistle, fig leaves.

Most likely, the turtle will not give up some fruits, berries and flowers. Indulge her with apple, melon, orange, mango. Of the berries, turtles tend to be partial to blueberries, blackberries, grapes and strawberries. As for flowers, almost all types of turtles love geraniums, lilies, dandelions, nasturtium, and pansies.

A turtle's diet at home can be difficult to balance. In this case, you should use special food for turtles. They will help keep your pet healthy for years to come.
