Breeding livestock at home gives villagers the opportunity not only to provide meat to their families, but also to receive a good income. Pigs are rightfully considered to be one of the most unpretentious and fast growing animals.

In addition to excellent taste, pork also has many useful properties. Pig meat contains the maximum amount of complete protein, iron, minerals, it is easily absorbed by the human body and is extremely tasty. Canned pig meat and smoked meats are stored much longer, do not change or lose their taste. You can get a good weight gain of a pig when fattening, observing simple rules and paying due attention to each individual from a very early age. The success of pig breeding depends on the quality of raising piglets and the correct choice of their breed.
How to choose a breed of piglets
When choosing a breed of piglets, it is necessary to take into account the climatic zone in which they will live. The most optimal for breeding in Russia is the so-called "White Pig". It develops well and gives a good weight gain in any climate, it tolerates both frost and summer heat well. The second most popular breed of pigs bred in Estonia is the Bacon Landrace.
In addition, what type of product is expected to be obtained from them is of great importance when choosing a breed of piglets for growing at home. If "White Pig" is distinguished by an equal ratio of meat and lard, then "Landrace" is bacon meat with a minimum content of greasy layers.
Keeping piglets in the first month of life
Immediately after farrowing, for at least 30 days, the piglets are breastfed and live with the sow. The introduction of complementary foods on purpose, as a rule, is not practiced. Upon reaching the age of two weeks, the piglets begin to show interest in the sow's feed. From this period, it is possible to prepare liquid food for them based on cow's milk and compound feed of plant origin with mineral additives. The piglet feeding trough must always be clean and fresh.
Raising piglets after stopping breastfeeding
After the piglets reach one month of age, breastfeeding can be discontinued. Only weak and poorly developed individuals are left with the sow. The so-called weaners are transferred to a separate dry and clean, well-ventilated, but draft-free, room. The floor must be covered with dry straw, waste products and feed residues are regularly removed. Two troughs are installed for feeding piglets - for water and feed mixture. At the initial stage, the compound feed is soaked with water, and after adaptation, the piglets are transferred to a dry product. Vegetables such as potatoes, pumpkin or squash are gradually introduced into the piglets' diet. It is not necessary to cook them, just chop them.