Vietnamese pigs, like their other relatives, are very unpretentious in food, but they still have their own menu. This is due to the special structure of their digestive system. Vietnamese piglets have a small stomach volume and a small intestine in diameter. At the same time, the nutrition of piglets is significantly different from that of an adult.

Step 1
In the first days of life, piglets feed on mother's milk. At this stage, you need to pay attention to some points. Is each of the piglets getting enough milk (this will help to subsequently avoid problems such as developmental delay). Do they have any symptoms of anemia: pale appearance, reluctance to suck milk, stunted growth and development.
Step 2
Anemia in piglets can occur due to a deficiency of iron in the blood, since sow's milk lacks the necessary amount of such important elements as copper and iron. In order to avoid the death of young animals in the first days of life, they need to make intramuscular injections with drugs: "E Selenium" and "Ferroglyukin"
Step 3
The gradual introduction of feeding can be carried out within a week after the birth of piglets (by this time they already have teeth), it should include chalk, red clay, charcoal, that is, those substances that are rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron.
Step 4
At ten days of age, fried barley can be added to food and a drinker with clean water can be installed in the cage, while the weight of the animal should not be less than 1 kg. If the number of pigs is large, and you observe growth retardation in some individuals, then they need additional feeding and vitaminization with the "Vetom" preparation.
Step 5
The introduction into their diet of thick porridge with the addition of premixes, oat milk and granulated starter compound feed "For piglets in the first days of life" can be carried out after two weeks from the moment of birth. During the same period, vitamin food should be gradually given, consisting of zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and hay of leguminous herbs. In the summer, these piglets can eat mainly plant foods. Because of this, they were nicknamed - herbivorous pigs.
Step 6
The sow's milk supply begins to decline towards the end of the first month, by which time the piglets should be able to feed independently. Weaning should take place gradually, over 5-6 days, thereby avoiding any diseases in the sow (for example, mastitis) and will not cause physical and psychological harm to the cubs. The weight of monthly piglets, subject to the above feeding order at this age, should be at least 2.5 kilograms.
Step 7
At the final transfer of piglets to feed, you should carefully study its composition. Its structure should include 20% protein, 5% fat and fiber, with a volume of at least 3%. Only with the right diet will you get the quality meat that Vietnamese pigs are famous for.
Step 8
Food waste, bread, corn and oats can be mentioned as foods that should not be included in the diet of piglets, as they provoke the deposition of excess fat.