Smooth shiny fur, inquisitive green eyes and exceptional cleanliness - these are the main features of the Russian blue cat. Having met her once, it is difficult to remain indifferent and not imbued with sympathy for this clever creature.

The fame of Russian blue has long gone beyond the borders of Russia. About 150 years ago, English sailors brought cute kittens of this breed to their country, and there they were appreciated.
Russian blue cats are distinguished by their slenderness, lightness and grace. This cat will never become obese and lazy - long-legged and inquisitive, even in extreme old age, she shows interest in everything that happens around.
Representatives of this species have a small triangular muzzle with green almond-shaped eyes. The ears of these cats are rather large and pointed. Their fur is similar to velvet of a gray-blue color, with a silvery sheen. It is not for nothing that the British fell in love with this breed - a certain aristocracy is inherent in Russian blue cats.
But despite all their sophistication, Russian blue cats are excellent hunters. It is better for insects and rodents not to appear in their path - instincts are strong, even though the breed has long been domesticated.
The character of the Russian blue is quite interesting. On the one hand, it is a melancholic nature, often being alone with itself, on the other, a cheerful company for children's pranks and pranks. She will gladly support little friends.
The cat is curious and inquisitive. Anything that is in the slightest degree of interest to her, she will certainly check. She will crawl through all the bags and packages brought from the store, but not with the aim of stealing something and acting out. She is just very interested to know what lies there.
Russian blue has a wonderful memory and quickly remembers where this or that object is.
Cats of this breed have a unique gift of healing. It is unknown with what feeling they determine the sores of the household and treat them with their affection and song. The Russian blue cat is able to take away stress and restore mental balance.
The Russian blue cat has a very friendly and cheerful personality. These are not wayward mistresses of the situation, but rather family friends. But when bringing a pet to the house, you need to remember that each of them largely adopts the habits of their owners. It is worth considering.