Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular breeds. When purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, it is worth remembering that even a decorative dog must be well-bred. Otherwise, this cute creature turns into a little house tyrant with a red bow.

Step 1
You should buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in a good kennel. Remember that the animal inherits not only the exterior, but also the character. For example, a dog's cowardice can be acquired, or it can be hereditary. In kennels, which value their reputation, dogs with an unstable psyche are not allowed into breeding, because such a dog is practically not amenable to education. In addition, in such kennels, puppies grow and develop properly in good conditions. When choosing a puppy, observe him, evaluate his character, since the success of the upbringing will depend on the character.

Step 2
From the moment a Yorkshire terrier puppy appears in the house, you need to immediately assign roles. You are the master, the leader of the pack. A puppy is a subordinate, a member of your pack. Upbringing should start with accustoming the puppy to the place. Allocate a couch, rug or bedding for the Yorkie, put it in a place where the puppy will rest and sleep. Take the puppy to the litter, play with him there, give him a treat. When you put the dog on the bed, give the command "Place". Repeat this exercise several times a day. Soon the puppy will learn that this is his place, where he should go at the first request of the owner.

Step 3
An important disciplining aspect is the daily routine. The dog quickly gets used to it, it is not tormented by the unknown, as it knows perfectly well what and when will be. The dog should be fed hourly, only after all family members have finished their meal. Only the leader has the right to be the first to eat. The rest eat what remains of the leader's meal. Thus, you will strengthen your position of the leader in front of the dog day after day.

Step 4
The leader has the right to be on a hill. Don't let your Yorkshire Terrier jump onto sofas, armchairs. Anything above the dog's gaze is your territory. In addition, given the small size of the Yorkshire Terrier, it is not safe for him to be on chairs, beds and sofas. The most common injuries are bruises, concussions, and fall fractures.

Step 5
Never let a Yorkie pass in front of you in doors, corridors. Don't let the stairs run ahead of you. The leader decides where the pack should go, the leader goes forward first. As for the stairs, it is worth considering this moment separately. Remember how a person walks up the stairs. Head down, go looking at your feet. At this time, the dog stands on the top step and turns impatiently, observing the owner. And the dog has the right to consider itself the main one. She is at the top, in front of you, and you lower your head, look away, expressing complete submission. In a dog's tongue it would look just like that.

Step 6
It is worth mentioning caresses and games. You have to decide when to pet the dog, when to play with it. Never stroke your back against persistent nudging into your hand. It turns out that the dog itself decides when to come up and ask for affection. Only the leader does this. This behavior should simply be ignored and soon the dog will give up this habit. Remember, raising a dog is not training. Do not overhumanize a dog, even if it is an adorable Yorkshire terrier. Talk to your dog in a language it understands, and your pack will always reign friendship and understanding. Communication with a well-bred dog cannot but give pleasure.