How To Name A Boy's Dog

How To Name A Boy's Dog
How To Name A Boy's Dog

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If a dog appears in your house, you need to give it a nickname as soon as possible. The puppy should get used to answering his name. But it is not so easy to name the pet correctly. After all, you need to choose a sonorous, beautiful and memorable nickname that suits him. Ideally, it should be clear from the name alone what kind of dog is wearing it.

You need to name a puppy-boy so that it is easy to call him
You need to name a puppy-boy so that it is easy to call him

It is necessary

  • - list of dog nicknames
  • - pedigree (if any)


Step 1

If you bought a puppy with pedigree, find out his breeding name. As a rule, it consists of several words and fits into the dog's personal testimony. You can rename your pet, but preferably with the same letter with which its generic name begins.

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Step 2

If you or someone in your family has problems with the pronunciation of some letters, do not choose a nickname with these letters. For example, if someone does not pronounce P, it is better to choose a name for a dog like Pete, Ulan, Chessy, Jack, Alfie. The main thing is that the nickname is easy to pronounce and shout out.

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what to call a dog?

Step 3

You can ask the children what they would like to name the puppy. Most likely, the guys will choose a nickname from a cartoon or a movie: Beethoven, Rex or Milo. You yourself can name the dog in honor of your favorite movie hero: Athos, Nemo, Fagot, Zorro, Sherlock.

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Step 4

Look at the meanings of the nicknames. Perhaps something in the character of the puppy will tell you the name. From the qualities and appearance came such nicknames as Kid, Bimbo, White, Elegant, Shorty (translated as shorty), Best (best), Noir (black), Urban (urban).
