The American Staffordshire Terrier is endowed with a special flair and instinct for protection, so it will be an excellent watchdog for your home and protector of your children. With proper upbringing, a reliable and loyal bodyguard can emerge from him.

Step 1
Amstaff should not be kept in an open cage, he should live in a house or apartment. Choose a location for your terrier carefully - it should be dry and warm. Get a litter for your pet and remember to wash it periodically.

Step 2
From an early age, the American Staffordshire Terrier must learn who is the boss and obey you unquestioningly. Try to assert your dominance over the dog even in puppyhood. But, do not forget that the upbringing of an amstaff should not contain coercion, otherwise it will harden and become aggressive.

Step 3
Cultivate cleanliness in your puppy. To do this, every 2 hours, from 6 in the morning until midnight, take the dog to the designated place where it can relieve its natural need. Do not forget to praise the puppy.

Step 4
Gradually increase the intervals between visits to the latrine. This will train your dog's exposure for up to 5-8 hours while you are at work.

Step 5
At the age of six months, the terrier must be taught the command "Give it back!" Take away from the puppy his toy or bone, clearly saying the command "Give it up!" This will allow him to establish himself in the eyes of the dog as a leader, who is allowed to take whatever he wants.

Step 6
Amstaff is a leader by nature. Therefore, walk him more often in the company of peaceful dog breeds. This will eliminate the manifestation of unnecessary aggression from your pet.
Step 7
Remember to spend more time playing and interacting with your dog. The American Staffordshire Terrier loves to play ball, but does not always bring it. To solve this problem, throw two balls at once. After amstaff picks up the first ball, throw him the second, in the opposite direction. Having brought the first ball, he will immediately run after the second.