How To Prepare Compound Feed

How To Prepare Compound Feed
How To Prepare Compound Feed

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Compound feed is a special feed that is prepared for farm animals. Such food should include products of both plant and animal origin. And you can easily cook it at home.

How to prepare compound feed
How to prepare compound feed

It is necessary

  • - hay;
  • - flour;
  • - water;
  • - yeast;
  • - bran;
  • - leftover bread;
  • - lime.


Step 1

To prepare food for herbivores, you need to stock up on a significant amount of hay, as well as dry leaves of shrubs and dried grass (for example, nettles, raspberries, currants). In order for such feed to be suitable for feeding small animals, the hay must be ground into flour. The success of such an event directly depends on how well the source material was dried. If there is no moisture left in the leaves and grass, they will crumble quite easily. Hay flour can be prepared in several ways: knead with your hands, grind with a blender or through a meat grinder.

How to prepare compound feed
How to prepare compound feed

Step 2

Add salt and lime to the green mass (they will act as mineral additives), you can also add ground eggshells. And for greater nutritional value and usefulness, it is worth putting in the feed also the remnants of bread and crushed grain. Then add a couple of glasses of flour to the resulting mixture (this depends on how much hay flour you have available). Flour is added to compound feed to increase the nutritional value of the product, as well as to glue the mass before its further processing. Now you need to add a little warm water to it and knead a tough dough. This dough, for ease of use, should be processed into granules. Scroll the mass through a meat grinder. Then all the resulting granules must be dried, and the sooner, the better, so that the flour does not sour and all the food does not deteriorate.

Step 3

If you want to prepare compound feed for chickens, it is better to use the yeast method. To do this, take a container with 2 liters of water heated to 40 degrees, then put 10 grams of baker's yeast there, which had already been diluted in water in advance. Add 1 kg of flour mixture to the resulting feed. The mass must be mixed every 30 minutes. You can use the food within 6-9 hours after its preparation.

How to prepare compound feed
How to prepare compound feed

Step 4

You can also prepare food for animals this way. Pre-mix the dough. To do this, in a container with one liter of warm water, you need to dilute about 20 grams of baker's pressed yeast. Then add 400 grams of concentrated feed to the resulting dough. Stir the food for 20-30 minutes for 4-6 hours. In order to feed the animals with the resulting mass, you need to dilute the finished dough with 3 liters of warm water and add 1.5 kilograms of feed. But that's not all - the food is not completely ready. Therefore, further it is necessary to stir the prepared mixture once an hour for 7-9 hours. After that, you can feed the animals.
