A small ball of wool with a bow on the top of the head, proudly walking next to the hostess or looking around with interest from under the armpit of the hostess is all Yorkshire Terrier. A red bow on the head is the same sign of the Yorkie breed, as a poodle has curls, and a boxer has a wrong bite. Hairpins and bows are sold in stores, but they are all the same type. If you want your dog to look original, you can make a bow yourself.

It is necessary
- To do this, you will need:
- - a variety of wide braids;
- - thin braid for decoration;
- - threads to match the color of the selected braid;
- - fishing line;
- - glue;
- - beads, sequins, rhinestones;
- - decorative glue;
- - pens, markers, felt-tip pens or any other rounded objects;
- - latex elastic bands or hairpins;
- - scissors;
- - gelatin or strong hold hairspray;
- - needles and silk threads;
- - matches or a lighter.
Step 1
Take a wide ribbon and cut two or three strips, depending on whether the bow is double or triple. One strip measuring 9 cm, each subsequent 1-1.5 cm shorter. Burn the edges of all the stripes so that they do not creep. If you want to decorate the bow with a thin braid, sew it with a fishing line to the shortest ribbon.

Step 2
Sew the ends of each ribbon to make three rings of braid. If you cannot immediately sew it neatly, you can first glue the ends with ordinary clerical glue-pencil, and then carefully stitch with threads.

Step 3
Fold each stitched ribbon in half and mark the middle line. To do this, you can use a ruler and chalk. Sew the middle with small stitches, tighten it a little (pick it up) and fix it with a knot.
Step 4
Sew all the blanks together. And immediately sew on the latex bands, or glue the barrette with super glue.

Step 5
Pass a pen, felt-tip pen or any other rounded object into each resulting ring, the main thing is that they fit in diameter.
Step 6
Prepare a solution of gelatin, for this take gelatin and fill it with a small amount of boiling water so that you get a very sticky liquid. Stir the gelatin until completely dissolved. Then gently brush the entire bow with the resulting substance with a brush. For simplicity, you can use a strong or extra strong varnish.
Step 7
In general, the bow is ready. It remains only to decorate it with various sequins, beads, rhinestones, etc. - It all depends on your imagination.