A horse beautifully walking around the circus arena, bowing at the wave of the trainer's hand - who hasn't watched this with admiration? In the meantime, teaching a horse to bow is not the most difficult task for an experienced rider.

Step 1
Determine if your horse is obedient enough to teach him even the most difficult tricks that do not belong, by and large, to his normal upbringing. If the horse resists your actions, then only an experienced trainer can help you.
Step 2
Stock up on refined sugar and carrots before teaching your horse to bow, or pick whichever treat he likes best. Only by constantly encouraging it, you can achieve certain success.
Step 3
Enter the stable with a decent supply of goodies with you. First, you need to teach the horse to bow down to the chest. Take a lump of sugar, show it to the horse, bring it to the horse's chest and say, "Bow." At that moment, when the animal reaches for a tidbit, give it to him and be sure to praise and stroke it. Repeat this procedure several times over the course of several days until the horse has solidified the lesson. It is not worth working with her for more than 10 minutes a day, otherwise she will just start eating sugar, not paying attention to your requirements.
Step 4
Then proceed to the second stage of training. Take the sugar out of your pocket, show it to the horse, and slide a piece between her front legs so that she reaches for it. As soon as she stretches, move the hand with sugar gradually further away from her front legs. The horse will have no choice but to reach after your hand and put one or both legs forward in order to get sugar. Do not forget to say the word "bow" at this moment. Do these exercises every day (again, no longer than 10 minutes) until the horse learns to bow without the treat.
Step 5
At first, instead of a voice command, you can simply slap the horse on the front leg while it reaches for sugar. Be careful and careful during training so that the horse does not get hurt.