How To Make A Paper Bow For A Cat

How To Make A Paper Bow For A Cat
How To Make A Paper Bow For A Cat

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Do not think that gaming is a frivolous activity that wastes time in vain. It is games that allow you to learn about the world around you, keep fit, learn to communicate with those who are around. Finally, they get rid of boredom. It doesn't matter who is playing - a child or a kitten.

How to make a paper bow for a cat
How to make a paper bow for a cat

If the cat is bored, it will draw attention to itself in every possible way: bite hands, ambush, or hang on the carpet. Toys will help solve the problem.

Buy or make?

What kind of toys the pet will play - purchased or self-made, is up to the owner of the animal. However, it should be borne in mind that kittens quickly lose interest in objects, and any toy, even bought for a lot of money, becomes unusable after several active games.

A reasonable way out is to make simple devices yourself to keep your pet busy. Manufacturing does not require a lot of time, expensive materials, but the result will deliver a lot of joyful minutes for both you and your pet.

When the hunter's instinct is triggered, the kitten needs to catch up with someone. A bow made of paper tied to a strong thread is quite good for a “sacrifice”.

Take a small piece of paper, about the size of a candy wrapper, and a sturdy string. Tie a knot in the middle of the piece of paper and loop it around the middle. Secure the turns with another knot. You will quickly attract the cat's attention if you add feathers, foil strips, a bell, a button to an ordinary toy.

Slowly lower the bow and wiggle it in front of the cat's eyes. When a reaction to the toy follows, pull the string sharply, and then the cat will start chasing. Move the toy quickly across the floor, preventing the animal from grabbing the string or paper. Remember that cats put all their energy in the first minutes of the game, so if you see that the kitten is breathing heavily, give him the toy thereby taking a break from the game.

It is advisable to arrange games every day in order to develop the muscles of the animal and prevent the development of obesity in him. Leaving home, tie your favorite toy on the door handle, back of a chair or in another accessible place, making sure that the kitten does not spoil the furniture or injure itself. Thus, you will not let your pet get bored and do not leave time for pranks.


Provide your kitten with a safe play area. Make sure the electrical wires are out of reach; toys do not contain small and loosely fixed parts that can be chewed off and swallowed during the game; there are no objects nearby that could injure the animal.

Let the rumor go that cats are wayward. But in a house where they are treated with care and love, there will be no problems with behavior and upbringing.
