Despite the fact that the horse is an intelligent animal and lends itself well to training, learning each new skill should be carried out, adhering to certain rules in order for the execution of the command to be accurate and of high quality. The horse can only be taught to the Spanish step after it has mastered the preliminary skills.

Step 1
Train your horse to ride and ride. Pay particular attention to how she holds her croup when she walks next to the person holding her on the harness. In addition, she must clearly walk forward next to the trainer, rider or groom, quickly and correctly respond to the halter, leg, body, lower back. Also, the horse should not be afraid of the whip.

Step 2
Start learning the Spanish step if all the preliminary skills have already been consolidated.

Step 3
First, do the stretching the horse needs to get the leg up to the height required for this step.

Step 4
Stand facing the horse, to the side of it, so that your left shoulder and the horse are opposite each other. Hold the whip in your right hand. Lightly touch the horse's left chest with the whip, grab the left hoof and raise the horse's leg a little. Make sure your leg is straight. At this time, praise the horse without letting go of the leg, and throw the whip from the other hand and serve it a treat - sugar or an apple. Don't raise your voice or wave the whip, even if the horse rips a leg out of your hand.

Step 5
At first, do only your left leg, gradually lifting it higher and higher. The main thing here is to keep the horse's leg straight. Tap lightly with the whip only on the left side of her chest. Over time, the horse will understand what is wanted from it, and will feed its leg itself.

Step 6
After a week, start doing the same stretch on your right leg, tapping the right side of your chest before exercising.
Step 7
Gradually move on to developing a correct and clear reaction to the message in the horse. Stand on the left side facing forward. Hold the reins at the withers in your right hand and the whip in your left. Pay attention to the correct posture of the horse: the head should be raised, the hindquarters should be tucked up, the hind legs should be under the body.
Step 8
Get a helper to lift the horse's leg if it does not respond to the tap on the chest with the whip. At the same time, the command "fus" is pronounced. Correct reaction of the horse should be immediately encouraged with stroking and a gentle voice. The main thing is not the height of the raising of the leg, but the clarity of the reaction to the message.
Step 9
Start practicing your Spanish walking step by walking next to her. If the horse refuses to move with a straight leg, the helper should lightly strike the horse's rump. This movement is practiced first on the left and then on the right.
Step 10
Do not let the horse engage in amateur activities, develop a clear reaction in it: raise the leg only at your command. Only then can you teach her the real Spanish step.