In the summer, many take their pets to the countryside, where unpleasant "surprises" may await them. It is sometimes difficult to keep track of animals. Active, impetuous, they strive to get into some kind of trouble. But the owners should always know how to provide first aid to their pet before consulting a doctor.

In this case, the animal rubs its muzzle with its paw, rushes about, screams, suffocates, tries to swallow something or, conversely, pull it out, or even loses consciousness.
For first aid, it is necessary to examine the mouth and get a foreign object with your fingers or tweezers. If something is stuck in the larynx, then you need to put the animal on your knees with its stomach down, sharply, but not hard, hit it on the back, then turn it over and press with your fingers in the region of the edge of the ribs towards the chest. With such a manipulation, all that is superfluous should come out of the larynx into the mouth.
If a foreign object gets into the stomach, then you need to force the fluffy friend to take 3-4 tablespoons of vaseline oil or 5-6 tablespoons of vegetable oil. And, of course, take him to the vet right away.
The first sign is vomiting with bile. The animal can often drink, but it will stop eating altogether. If you know for sure that your pet has eaten something bad, and you need to make him vomit, then a solution of soda (1 tsp. Per glass of water) or hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio (1 tbsp. l. for 3 kg of weight). If the animal has already vomited, you can give it activated charcoal: it will help restore the stomach.
In case of burns with boiling water, fire or steam, it is necessary to moisten a gauze swab in strong cold tea leaves and apply to the damaged area. Then cut the fur around, dry the wound, lubricate with antibiotic ointment and apply a bandage. Acid burn must be washed out with plenty of water and swabs soaked in baking soda solution should be applied.
Stung by a bee
If your furry friend has been bitten by a bee, try removing the sting first. Then attach a swab dipped in a baking soda solution to the bite site. You can use ice to reduce swelling.
Bitten by a snake
If your animal has been bitten by a snake, the first step is to try to immobilize it. If the animal runs and rushes, then the poison will spread faster through the body along with the blood. You cannot rinse the wound with water, just as you cannot apply ice. A tourniquet should be applied above the bite and loosened after about an hour. During this time, the animal must be delivered to the clinic. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to help your pet.