An unnoticed tick on a dog's body can cause serious consequences. These insects are very dangerous and carry diseases that can kill your pet. The best protection option is to inspect the dog's fur after every walk, especially in parks, groves and forests.

What to do with a tick

During the inspection, carefully check the dog's coat. Pay special attention to your ears. Very often, ticks are taken into them. If you notice a small, dark-colored growth, it is likely that it is a mite. If in doubt, use a magnifying glass to examine the foreign object.

Please note that there are certain rules for removing ticks. Otherwise, if the head of the insect remains in the wound, infection may occur. The tick must be removed very carefully. Take any pair of tweezers and clamp it between the tick's body and the dog's skin. Never pull and try to pull out the insect. It must be removed with rotational movements. After the procedure, fill the wound with iodine or brilliant green.

A more difficult, but also the most effective way to remove a tick is the method of influencing it with additional means. Place a small amount of gasoline or petroleum jelly on the insect before starting the extraction process. As a last resort, sunflower oil is also suitable. After a few seconds, the tick will noticeably loosen its grip. It is at this moment that you need to quickly unscrew it from the dog's skin. It is recommended to carry out rotational movements counterclockwise.

If, after removing the tick, no changes occur to the dog, then it is not necessary to show it to a specialist. If the slightest deviations appear, for example, refusal to eat or drowsiness, the pet must be taken for examination as soon as possible.

If the tick goes unnoticed
In the event that you noticed a tick too late and the dog has already had the first symptoms of infection, the pet should be urgently shown to the veterinarian. There are many examples of death. The first signs that a dog is infected are lack of appetite, fever, and lethargy. In the later stages, dizziness, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nausea and vomiting occur.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the disease, the degree of its development and the necessary treatment at home. Only a veterinarian can prescribe a truly effective course of treatment.
Prevention of ticks
The most effective ways to prevent tick bites are regular check-ups after a walk and the use of special medications. Please note that the most “favorite” places for these insects are the areas behind the ears, the ears themselves, eyelids and the area around the nose.
Almost any pet store on sale has special ointments, sprays and collars that contain substances that repel ticks. It is better to use such drugs regularly, especially during the spring and autumn periods.