The dog is perhaps the only pet animal with the highest emotional response. With this animal, you will definitely not feel lonely. Having got a dog, you will find a loyal and reliable friend.

How to choose a puppy
First, decide on the breed. Each breed has its own characteristics. When choosing, do not be guided by one appearance of the dog or fashion for the breed. Having chosen a breed, study the information about it, ask for the opinion of familiar dog owners, observe the dogs of the selected breed.

If after that you have not changed your mind to have a pet of just such a breed, then you can proceed to search for a cattery. At this stage, it is important to figure out what you want from your dog. Whether it will be a show dog, a watchdog, a nanny dog, a hunter dog, or just a friend. State your intention for the dog to the breeder, he will help you select the right puppy. He can also point you to an active or quieter litter pet.

The price of puppies with pedigree is higher than without it. When buying a dog, make sure that the breeder gives you the card with the puppy. Do not fall for the tricks that you will receive the documents for the purchased pet later. In this case, you risk being left without documents at all.

There are times when you really like a dog of a certain breed, but its cost is prohibitively high. There is the option of purchasing a puppy at a fairly low price, but with certain defects. This does not mean that he will be sick. Such a dog may have, for example, light brown eyes, but the standard should be dark brown. However, you need to understand that such a dog will not become a champion at the show. But she has every chance of becoming an excellent friend for her master.

How to prepare to meet your puppy at home
Before you bring your puppy into the house, you need to thoroughly prepare. First, take care of your pet's nutrition. What and how much he eats, discuss in advance with the breeder. Give your puppy a place in the house, it should be quiet enough. The ideal option would be a place in some corner where there is no constant movement of people. Remove carpets from the floor and forget about them until your pet is only able to relieve himself outdoors. Some puppies stop smoking at home as early as 5 months, and some have this problem after a year. Hide anything your dog can chew on: wires, handles, shoes. The first few days, be prepared for sleepless nights - your puppy may whine.
Care should be taken in advance to choose a veterinary clinic for a puppy. In the first year of life, you will have to go there quite often. It is advisable to visit the same doctor. From him you can get information about caring for a dog, the necessary vaccinations, deworming the animal, get advice about mineral supplements and vitamins.
Get ready for frequent walks while your puppy is small. However, you need to walk with an adult dog 2 times a day in any weather. If you have a dog at the request of children, be prepared for the addition of feeding and walking the dog to your daily chores. However, you will soon realize how insignificant all these troubles are compared to the joy that you experience from communicating with a dog. Over time, she will become a full-fledged beloved member of your family, who understands everything, just cannot say.