How To Transport A Dog In

How To Transport A Dog In
How To Transport A Dog In

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When transporting dogs, you need to carefully monitor the health of the pet, especially in hot weather. Transporting dogs is much easier than cats. Small breeds of animals can be transported in a carrier, but with large breeds, everything is somewhat more complicated. Particular attention should be paid to angry dogs and make sure that she does not bite anyone.

How to transport a dog
How to transport a dog


Step 1

If you travel with your pet on public transport, then put on a muzzle. Keep your dog close to you. People traveling next to you will not be very comfortable in the company with a toothy passenger. You need to teach the dog to muzzle from childhood, otherwise the animal will behave restlessly. Do not give your dog food or drink on the way; it may vomit. Preferably, if you know your pet is sick, give an antiemetic medication. Just in case, take a bag and a cloth with you, suddenly the animal will vomit.

Step 2

When traveling by car, the dog is calmer, it does not see a large number of people, especially for angry dogs. Take with you a mat on which your dog sleeps at home and a favorite toy. Stop periodically during the ride and let the animal walk for a while. If your dog is doing well, you can give him a drink or even a snack. Do not give fatty foods, especially those sold in roadside cafes.

Step 3

If you are traveling by plane, long-distance train, then the dog will need to be put in a special compartment. Do not worry, the vehicle staff will look after the animal and you will pick up the dog immediately after arriving at the appointed place.
