Can Hedgehogs Drink Milk

Can Hedgehogs Drink Milk
Can Hedgehogs Drink Milk

If you offer a hedgehog a saucer of milk, he will most likely take such a treat with great interest. Both smell and taste - all this attracts the animal. However, is milk safe for hedgehogs? Not. And the consequences for the animal's health can be very serious.

Can hedgehogs drink milk
Can hedgehogs drink milk

Why shouldn't adult animals drink milk?

Hedgehogs belong to mammals, and mother's milk becomes the first food for newborn animals. Therefore, it might seem that milk for hedgehogs is a food “recommended by nature”. However, the physiology of young and adult animals is different - including in terms of the ability to assimilate milk sugar - lactose, which is contained in any "real" milk of animal origin. This applies not only to hedgehogs, but also to most other mammals: as the cub begins to switch to an "adult" diet, it stops producing an enzyme that breaks down lactose. As a result, sweet milk is not digested by the body of a matured animal, the unsplit milk sugar remains in the digestive tract and turns into a "nutrient base" for the bacteria that inhabit it. And the active reproduction of bacteria that have received an excellent food base leads to bloating and indigestion.

This feature of mammals is one of the "defense mechanisms" of evolution, which makes it possible to feed the young, otherwise the adults would inevitably compete with the young for mother's milk. And so milk remains "baby food", and it is categorically not recommended to give it to adult animals. And this applies not only to hedgehogs: even cats do not tolerate it well (unlike fermented milk products, which do not harm them). But if a cat that has eaten a portion of milk is likely to "get off" with an upset stomach, then for a hedgehog the consequences of such a treat can be much more serious.

Why milk is dangerous for hedgehogs

The hedgehog is a wild animal, milk is not included in its natural diet. And after such a treat, the animals almost always feel very bad. Milk is not digested, and active gas emission begins in the large intestine, which leads to severe bloating and serious digestive disorders. At a minimum, diarrhea and severe discomfort for the animal are guaranteed, and in severe cases, milk can even lead to the death of a hedgehog.

At the same time, intolerance is not limited to cow's milk - sheep or goat, which is often considered less harmful to animals, contains a comparable amount of lactose, and is also not shown.

The only exception to this rule are newborn hedgehogs who have lost their mother - they need milk. However, for their feeding, milk formulas intended for kittens or puppies are usually used, while ordinary milk is an option for "an emergency", and is given in diluted form.

How can you feed a hedgehog

Experienced summer residents and gardeners often seek to welcome these animals - they can significantly reduce the number of insects harmful to plants, hedgehogs and mice hunt. How can you please prickly guests, if not a saucer of milk?

Hedgehogs that are kept at home are usually fed with specialized food or insects, finely chopped low-fat raw meat, pieces of fruits and vegetables, and are allowed to feast on raw or boiled eggs (chicken or quail). They are also interested in offal, boiled river fish in small quantities will also not harm them.

All this can be used to treat a wild hedgehog that has wandered into your territory. However, so that the treat does not harm the animal, it is necessary to exclude from the proposed menu ready-made food from the table (salt and spices are not useful for animals), dried fruits, various kinds of confectionery and exotic fruits (including citrus fruits). But pieces of beef or chicken, liver or chicken hearts, local vegetables and fruits will be perceived by the hedgehog with interest and will not harm him.
