Can A Puppy Be Given Cow's Milk

Can A Puppy Be Given Cow's Milk
Can A Puppy Be Given Cow's Milk

Cow's milk is not the best choice for raising puppies. It does not contain enough nutrients for the normal development of babies. But if there are no other options at all, you can try to feed the puppies with cow's milk /


The composition of cow's milk is very different from that of dog's. In addition, the mother's dog's milk changes with the age of the puppies. Therefore, various foods are added to cow's milk to increase nutritional value. If the dog continues to lactate, it is best to add milk to its food, and offer the puppies after 6 weeks as a snack between meals.

Newborn puppies

The first two days for puppies is not so much important to get a lot of vitamins and microelements, as it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of meconium, feces formed during the development of the baby before his birth.

On the first day, they do not give milk, they drink it every two hours with clean, boiled water with the addition of glucose. The solution is prepared one to one, necessarily warming up to a temperature of 38 degrees. Cold food disrupts digestion in puppies.

The second day they drink a mixture of milk, water and glucose, all products are taken in equal proportions. Feeding should be done at least 12 times a day, approximately every two hours. Be sure to massage the tummy, otherwise the puppy will not be able to excrete digestion products.

2 to 14 days

For further feeding, a mixture of eggs, milk and cream is prepared. Add 2 tablespoons of cream and one chicken or two quail eggs to a glass of cow's milk. Mix thoroughly so that parts of the egg white do not clog the nipple, heat up to 38 degrees.

Preparations containing bifidobacteria, for example, bifidumbacterin, are added to the finished mixture. The amount is calculated taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations.

Glucose is not added every day, every other day, and only in one feeding. The number of feedings per day is still 12.

14 days to 6 weeks

The mixture of egg, milk and cream is continued. From 4 weeks old, puppies are offered solid food before feeding - a boiled egg, lean crushed meat, porridge cooked in milk. In two weeks, puppies get used to such food, so the milk mixture is given only to the weak, with a poor appetite. The rest are offered pure milk, without additives, not from a teat, but from a shallow bowl.

Feeding every three hours, food is also given warmed up.

6 weeks to 3 months

After 6 weeks, puppies may well eat solid food on their own; at this age, cow's milk has no special nutritional value. You can continue to give milk as a snack or cook porridge on it.

At the age of 2, 5 to 3 months, most puppies stop digesting the lactose in milk. In this case, puppies react to the content of dairy products in the diet with an upset stomach. Continuing to give milk to these puppies is dangerous and can lead to serious digestive problems, including gastritis. As a milk substitute, you can add fermented milk products, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, kefir to the diet. Even adult dogs can digest these foods successfully.

Of course, if possible, instead of cow's milk for feeding puppies, it is better to choose special mixtures. But with due attention, adherence to temperature and hygiene, feeding the puppies with cow's milk is quite successful.
