What Can Replace Cat Milk

What Can Replace Cat Milk
What Can Replace Cat Milk

It is impossible to predict the onset of an emergency, so all of a sudden you can become the mother of a newborn kitten that you have to feed. This activity is not easy and requires certain skills and accessories.

What can replace cat milk
What can replace cat milk

How cat milk differs from substitutes

For any baby, mother's milk is the most useful, and by and large, there are no full-fledged substitutes. But in a situation where the cat cannot feed the kitten, all human efforts must be made so that the baby receives the highest quality food that is close in composition to his mother's milk.

The very first milk that is formed in a cat ready to give birth is colostrum. This substance is not only nutritious, it also supplies the baby with antibodies to dangerous viruses and immunity to disease. The first day after the birth of any child is important precisely because the baby receives colostrum along with all its benefits.

If the cat stops feeding or gets sick after 1-2 days or later, it will be easier for you to choose a substitute, since the kitten managed to receive all the most valuable from the parent. The first on the list of worthy candidates for the baby's nutrition are specialized formulas, then self-prepared milk based on cow or goat milk.

It is impossible to feed newborn kittens with simple milk from other animals, since the percentage of components in its composition is very different from that of a feline. The fat content in cat milk is very high - about 11%, in goat and cow - about 4%. The situation is the same in numbers and with the protein content, but the lactose in the cat product is less than in the cow and goat.

How to replace cat milk and raise a healthy kitten

All the substances necessary for the growth of a kitten are in special substitutes, which are produced by all well-known brands of pet food (Gimpet, Beaphar, Royal Canin and others). In these mixtures, the composition of the ingredients is balanced as close as possible to cat's milk.

The dry mixture for a kitten must be bred as carefully and thoroughly as for a newborn baby. Follow the cooking instructions on the package and use special accessories to feed your kitten. If there are no more than three kids, there is no point in buying a large package of the mixture. When stored for a long time, insects are often found in such products and pathogenic bacteria multiply.

Attention, do not try to feed the kitten from a syringe with the needle removed, it is dangerous! The baby can choke or get pneumonia, which develops at a catastrophic rate if food gets into the lungs. Please note that some sweep - cat milk replacers, come with a bottle, three nipples of different sizes and a measuring spoon.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy the mixture at the moment, take 4 parts of boiled and cooled cow or goat milk, 1 part of egg white and beat thoroughly until smooth.
