More and more people prefer to have all kinds of birds as pets. The most common option is parrots, and not wavy, but cockatoo. These animals attract many by the fact that they have not only beauty, but also intelligence. In addition to these qualities, the future owners of this bird are also interested in the fact that its life expectancy is practically the same as that of humans. In other words, such a pet will spend with you for many, many years, provided it is properly maintained. It is about this that I want to talk in more detail.

Step 1
Before you get a cockatoo parrot, you should prepare a cage for it. Its size depends on the size of your pet - it should feel comfortable and spacious in it. Also, when choosing a cage, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made, and to the thickness of the rods. It is best to give preference to the metal one, since any other parrot can simply destroy with the help of its powerful beak.
Step 2
Having bought the right crate for your pet, you need to set it up properly. The first step is to place the calcium bar in it. It is needed so that the bird can grind down its powerful beak. Do not forget about the perches - there should be at least two of them. This animal, as they say, is distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity, therefore it will not be superfluous to lock it, otherwise it itself will open the door of its home and cause a lot of trouble.
Step 3
After equipping the cage for the parrot, you need to put it, or rather hang it, at the height of human growth in a place that has sufficient lighting. Keep in mind that drafts are extremely harmful for cockatoos. Also, they should not be near heating appliances.
Step 4
As far as cleanliness is concerned, the cage should be cleaned daily. It is also extremely important to change the water and food for the parrot every day. If the food is not perishable, then you can leave it alone for several days.
Step 5
When keeping a cockatoo at home, it is very important to ensure that the bird receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation. In cases where there is very little sunlight on the parrot, an ultraviolet lamp should be installed and turned on from time to time.
Step 6
In order for your pet to stay healthy and delight you for many, many years, you need to feed it properly. Basically, the cockatoo diet should consist of mixtures of cereals, but you can also feed it with fresh fruits, as well as green and yellow vegetables, eggs and grated cheese. Never feed your bird the following foods: cabbage or lettuce, parsley and avocado. Remember, cockatoo should never consume caffeine.
If you take into account all of the above rules for keeping a cockatoo, then your beloved pet will live a long and healthy life with you.