If the apartment or house has plenty of space, then you can get a parrot like a cockatoo. They look quite large - up to 70 centimeters. Of course, their cage must also be large. But the beauty of the cockatoo completely covers all the flaws.

Cockatoos are not only beautiful, they are very beautiful. They are distinguished from other parrots by the almost complete absence of green in the coloring and the presence of elongated feathers on the forehead. Their feathers are yellow, pink, black or white. Females are slightly smaller than their males.
The cockatoo has a large curved beak. It is very strong and can even break wooden partitions.
Cockatoo fly badly. They move by jumping from branch to branch. They also walk on the ground very easily.
Cockatoo are very attached to their flock. If such a bird falls into captivity and does not have a partner, then its attention is completely switched to the owner, who cares for him. If a bird feels love and care from a person, then she herself begins to treat him the same way. The cockatoo does not tolerate loneliness. There are cases when, being for a long time without their owner, the birds got sick and even died.
The size of a cockatoo cage should not be less than a meter. It's good if you can get more. And if this is an aviary, then the dimensions should be: two meters in width, two in height, 6 in length.
There must be a large container of water - cockatoos love to take a bath. It is also good to make a place for him to sleep. It should be slightly covered to keep the bird calm.
The cockatoo cage requires careful maintenance. It must be constantly washed and disinfected. The water also needs to be changed frequently.
Cockatoo eats a mixture of grains: millet, sunflowers, oats and nuts. You can also boil them eggs, or potatoes.
Cockatoo parrots are very fond of the light of the sun. He is simply vital for them. Under the light of the sun, their blood circulation passes better. In warm weather, it is worth bringing the cockatoo to the light. But he does not need to overheat either.
Cockatoo is very expensive. In every sense of the word. Their price tag is pretty impressive. Not everyone will allow themselves this.
Cockatoo are centenarians. According to statistics, they live at home for 30-40 years. Although there are some individuals that live even longer.
When buying a cockatoo, you need to pay attention to the fact that the parrot will have to pay a lot of attention. And caring for such a large bird takes time and effort. Therefore, such a pet is not suitable for every person. Busy people are better off thinking about a smaller bird.