Maine Coon is a large cat breed. Despite their size, they are kind animals with a docile nature. As experts note, Maine Coons often have a more meek disposition than representatives of small feline breeds. The food for these animals must contain a large amount of protein; food from the human table is not suitable for them. Cats should not be fed salty, spicy or sweet - it is harmful for them and can even lead to illness.

Step 1
The preferred food for cats is meat. Raw meat can be given this way, but it is better to mix boiled meat with vegetables, otherwise the animal will become constipated. The by-products must be frozen in the freezer, and before giving them to the Maine Coon, scald or slightly boil. Feeding cats should be food at room temperature. Cold or hot food is not suitable for them. Before giving something to the animal, cut it into small pieces. Large pieces should not be given, since cats do not have teeth with which they could chew food - they can only tear it apart.

Step 2
The basis of the Maine Coon diet is meat. Beef is a good option as it contains all the nutrients you need. An adult animal can be given about 100 g per day, a kitten about 30 g of beef. You can give chicken meat. The best thing is chicken breast, an adult cat can be given a leg. Do not give the animal pieces with bones.

Step 3
You can include in the Maine Coon diet by-products, such as liver, heart, lungs, kidneys. However, most cats are reluctant to eat lungs and kidneys, so this option may not work. Almost all cats love the liver, but you need to give it only boiled, since various substances settle in the liver, which must be boiled down before you put it into food. If the Maine Coon has a light color, then its coat from the constant use of the liver may turn yellow.

Step 4
Dairy products are a source of calcium for the animal. Maine Coon can be fed with natural cottage cheese about once a week. Kefir, fermented baked milk and bioyogurt can be given more often. Cheese - occasionally and in small quantities. It is not recommended to give milk to adult cats, as it is not very well absorbed by them, often causing digestive upset.

Step 5
A cat needs vegetables and grains. In their pure form, the predator will most likely not eat them, so vegetables or cereals are mixed with meat in a 1: 2 ratio, and 2 parts are for meat. In this form, cats eat plant foods much more willingly. It is also recommended to grow special grass for animals, you can germinate wheat or oat seeds.

Step 6
If the cat's feeding schedule is appointed by the owner, then the animal should always have clean water. It is not recommended to give boiled, as Maine Coon, if he drinks raw water after that, may have digestive problems. Better to just pour water from the filter to the cat.