If someone wants to buy aquarium fish for the first time, they probably think that the easiest way is to keep small fish in a small round aquarium. However, it seems so at first glance. From the experience of seasoned aquarists, large fish and a large aquarium are easier to care for. But this is not the only secret. Whom to get?

Before the purchase

Aquarium fish after purchase in a pet store in a purchased package will live no longer than 5 days. Therefore, you need to take care of their place of residence in advance. That is, in two weeks, set up an aquarium, provide it with soil, water, filter, aeration. In the same aquarium, you can keep fish that are similar in temperament, behavior, needs and range, but for a start, it is better to opt for fish of the same species.

You need to buy fish in accordance with the size of the aquarium. For most types of aquarium fish, their number should be calculated as follows: for 1 liter of water in the aquarium, 1 cm of fish body. For some fish species, much more free space is required. And some individuals get by with a smaller volume of water. No need to get carried away with the number of fish and gain a lot at once. It is better to set a goal to buy them no more than 4-5 pieces.

Before you start buying fish, you need to study information about their appearance, behavior, habitat and natural care for them. These signs will come in handy to determine the health of your fish. For example, when purchasing, you must carefully monitor that there are no pustules, suspicious spots on the pet's body. Observe the behavior of the fish in the aquarium to rule out lethargy and poor health. Inspect for intact fins, tail, eyes. Inspect so that the fish does not look like a skeleton covered with leather, because it will be difficult to get out like this.

Selection of aquarium fish

The best aquarium for beginners is a roomy aquarium with a volume of approximately 100 liters or more. It will fit large, beautiful, mobile fish - cichlids. This is the most favorite species of many aquarium fish lovers. Because this living creature is very unpretentious to changes in water temperature, rarely gets sick, eats a varied diet. This family of fish is ideal for the inexperienced aquarist. In addition, the main goal - admiring the delightful color of the fish and their smooth movement - will be achieved.
If the buyer of fish has set out to buy various beautiful fish that caress the eye, then you can ask the seller which fish at least definitely will not eat each other and will get along well with each other. And will they be able to live with the algae in the aquarium?
If the aquarium is not so large, for example, 25 liters, then a beginner can choose such unpretentious and at the same time beautiful fish such as mollienesia, guppies, swordtails. Various types of zebrafish and barbs are also very popular with inexperienced aquarists. They breed easily, are distinguished by a peaceful disposition, and are easy to care for. For the first aquarium, some fish from the haracin fish group are suitable. For example, neons, which shine with neon colors in different shades. Also minors, lanterns and erythrozones.