Among the diseases that occur in cats, piroplasmosis is quite common. This infection is spread by an infected tick bite from a pet. To protect your cat from unpleasant consequences, it is important to get the right treatment as early as possible.

Pyroplasmosis is a common disease caused by the parasitic organism Babesia felis, which occurs in many cats in the spring and autumn period. The bite of an animal by a tick infected with piroplasmosis is very dangerous, so it is important to know how to protect your pet from this disease, as well as what to do if the body is affected by the disease.

How does piroplasmosis occur in animals?

The carriers of piroplasmosis are ixodid ticks, their greatest activity is observed in the spring-autumn period - from March to October. Small rodents, which are often a common breeding ground for these parasitic organisms, are also a serious danger to cats.

Infection with piroplasmosis of cats occurs during the bite of an ixodid tick. These small parasites hide in the grass and are sometimes carried through the air by strong gusts of wind. Pyroplasmosis in a cat must be treated by a veterinarian, since this disease has serious consequences - paralysis, and even death of the animal.

How to recognize a disease in a cat?

Pyroplasmosis in cats occurs in an acute or chronic form, the symptoms of the disease usually occur 1-4 days after the tick bite. It is very important to notice changes in the behavior and condition of the animal, which makes it possible to treat the pet in a timely manner, avoiding the development of many complications.
The disease in cats is manifested by the following symptoms:
- an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
- rapid breathing;
- lack of appetite;
- lethargy and apathy.
Attentive cat owners may notice that the conjunctiva and mucous membrane of the eyes have become yellow, which is caused by damage to the liver and kidneys. All these signs of piroplasmosis are especially noticeable in young animals, therefore, in order to detect the disease in old cats, it is necessary to carefully monitor them during the period of tick spread.
How to treat piroplasmosis in a cat?
If you find signs of piroplasmosis, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Treatment must necessarily be carried out in the first two days from the moment the first symptoms of piroplasmosis appear. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a blood test taken from the pet's auricle.
Typically, treatment consists of injecting certain medications into the animal's body. In severe cases, when the disease was not immediately noticed, has acquired a neglected form and intoxication has already begun, veterinarians use droppers. Such drugs as primaquine phosphate, imidocarb and some others will help to cure the animal, the action of which is aimed at destroying parasites, eliminating intoxication and restoring the activity of internal organs.
Veterinarians recommend that pet owners use special protective equipment against ticks in the spring-autumn period, since such actions are a reliable prevention of piroplasmosis. Such prophylaxis comes in the form of shampoos, ointments, gels, or collars. It is also important to strengthen the cat's immunity; this can be done through the use of echination. This plant is often used in the production of dietary supplements, produced in the form of mixtures. Preventive actions will increase the resistance of the cat's body to various infections that are dangerous to their health.