Cats get sick no less often than people - they can suffer from colds, gastrointestinal diseases, infections, and even diabetes. But the ailments of cats often make their owners nervous, because animals cannot tell what happened and where they are in pain. Therefore, it is important to know the main signs of pet diseases, have an idea of first aid and show the animal to the veterinarian in a timely manner.

Signs of cat disease

The first sign that a cat has started to get sick is her desire to hide somewhere far away, to hide in a dark corner, not to show herself to people. Usually sociable and friendly pets during illness do not make contact with humans. This is due to the fact that in nature it is not profitable for wild animals to get sick - a weakened organism cannot cope with enemies, and any stronger animal can take advantage of the disease. Therefore, when they get sick, representatives of the feline genus hide and try not to show themselves to anyone. This instinct is preserved in domestic cats, although they no longer need to hide from other predators. Nevertheless, they do not like to be looked at during illness, and especially touched and stroked.
There is no need to force the cat out of its hiding place every time and surround it with too much attention. Make sure she chooses a warm and comfortable area, or move her to another dark and quiet place.
A sick cat becomes lethargic, sleeps a lot, does not play, does not run. In a dream, the body of animals recovers faster, so during illness they spend almost all their time in a sleepy state. But with some diseases, cats, on the contrary, become too agitated, aggressive, restless.
Decreased appetite is one of the most pronounced symptoms of the disease, sometimes cats refuse to drink water. The disease makes the animal weak and impaired coordination of movements, so the pet can become awkward, it is more difficult for him to jump on a chair or window.
Signs of intestinal infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are vomiting and diarrhea. If the cat's kidneys are out of order, then she rarely goes to the toilet, and blood appears in the urine. Kidney disease or diabetes can cause your pet to drink frequently. Profuse salivation, coughing, discharge from the eyes, strange postures, shortness of breath can also be symptoms of various diseases.
What to do if your cat is sick

If you find one or more of the above symptoms, first examine the cat - measure its heart rate, temperature and monitor breathing. The normal pulse is up to 150 beats per minute (in kittens up to 200), the respiratory rate is 30 movements per minute, the temperature is 38-39 degrees. If all indicators are normal, and the animal's condition does not deteriorate, you can observe a little - perhaps this is a slight upset stomach, which will go away in a few hours. Otherwise, you need to take the cat to the veterinarian, and if this is not possible, then call a doctor at home or at least get an absentee consultation.
Do not self-medicate your cat if you do not have a veterinary education. Only a doctor can accurately determine the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
During illness, cats often do not eat well and should not be force-fed, but it is very important to provide enough water. Dehydration often accompanies some medical conditions and can be very life-threatening for the animal. If the cat refuses to drink and is constantly vomiting, then it is necessary to regularly give injections or droppers with a nutrient solution.
If the cat is prescribed medication, you need to mix the tablets with food or grease them with butter. Liquid medicines are poured into the throat with a needleless syringe.