It’s a pity for pets when they are sick to tears. In addition to the fact that the animal is suffering, it still cannot say where it hurts. If the diagnosis is made and the reason for the pet's poor health is a stomach disease, it will need to adhere to a certain diet for its recovery.

In many homes, cats and cats live almost as a family member. Unfortunately, just like people, cats sometimes get sick, and especially often the reason for the discomfort of our furry pets is their sensitive digestive tract. In order for the treatment to be effective, the animal must follow a specific diet along with the medication.

What should be included in the diet of a cat with a stomach problem?
Unlike a person who, in the event of an exacerbation of gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, can starve for several days, the cat should not be left without food. Fasting is extremely negative for the cat's body, reducing its muscle mass. A small amount of high-calorie food rich in protein, the cat should receive in any case. With some diseases, the cat is forced to remain hungry for some time, in this case it is worth considering the issue of receiving nutrients through the dropper.

A cat with a sore stomach should not be fed hearty fatty meats or fish. It is better to give a sick animal a high quality food specially formulated for cats with particularly sensitive digestive organs. Even those cats that eat natural food can be offered canned food in the postoperative period. Only they should be from a trusted manufacturer and with the most natural composition. They, as a rule, contain everything that is needed for a weakened animal organism.

The nuances of feeding a cat with a sick stomach
Often, one of the striking symptoms of a pet's disease is vomiting. It is dangerous because the cat, along with the vomit, loses not only proteins and carbohydrates, but also electrolytes, as well as the liquid necessary for the functioning of the body. Its reserves need to be replenished. For this cat, it is mandatory to be watered with special rehydrants (rehydron is the most popular). When vomiting can be stopped, the cat begins to be given nutritious liquid food - chicken broth, mashed boiled meat puree or ready-made medical food.

Often stomach diseases in cats are accompanied by loose stools. If your cat is prone to this kind of disorder, never feed him milk or raw chicken eggs. For diarrhea, the cat is given special medications, and his diet should consist of protein-rich, easily digestible food - boiled poultry, hard-boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese mixed with boiled rice, or ready-made food.

Follow the recommendations of the veterinarian under whose supervision your furry pet is, and then he will be healthy and live a long and happy life in your house.