What To Do If Your Dog Has A Tick

What To Do If Your Dog Has A Tick
What To Do If Your Dog Has A Tick

Ticks in a dog's coat can cause a dangerous disease - piroplasmosis. Its complexity is due to the fact that treatment begins at the last stages. The reason for this is the owners' ignorance of the danger posed by ticks.

What to do if your dog has a tick
What to do if your dog has a tick

If a dog has been bitten by ticks, it is important to provide him with competent assistance in a timely manner. Parasites are the worst enemies of animals, because they are almost invisible to them. For a pet, the only salvation is its owner, who must have at least basic knowledge on this issue.

how to remove a tick from a dog
how to remove a tick from a dog

If, nevertheless, a tick was found in a dog, what to do?

how to remove ticks from a dog
how to remove ticks from a dog

It is very difficult to find a tick in an animal, because it is very tiny, hiding in thick wool on the back of the neck, neck, head and paws. Its danger lies in the fact that its prolonged stay on the body leads to infection of the dog, its torment, illness and even death. It is important to inspect the animal, comb out its fur and monitor its hygiene.

how to remove a subcutaneous tick from a dog
how to remove a subcutaneous tick from a dog

If a dog has been bitten by a tick, symptoms of its presence are detected after 5 to 6 days, depending on the general health of the animal:

- the pet's body temperature becomes critically high and can reach 40-42 degrees;

- at the site of the bite, a bump swells, in which the tick is located;

- the animal becomes inactive, there is a lack of appetite.

As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to take him to the doctor, only qualified help will save the animal. The treatment takes place in two directions: the complete destruction of parasites and the cleansing of the body after intoxication.

The first direction is characterized by the use of medicines, including organic dyes (veriben, berenil and azidine). The drugs are toxic, easily destroy ticks, but they can harm the animal. Therefore, the next step is the removal of intoxication. To do this, the dog is injected with a large amount of vitamins, saline cleansing solutions, and so on. Full recovery may take a month or more.

Preventive agents against tick attack

With parasites you need to not only fight, you need to skillfully defend against them. The tactics are not as difficult as they might seem:

In veterinary medicine, many means of "repelling" ticks have been developed. These can be collars or solutions. One drop per dog's coat is enough to keep the animal safe for 2 - 3 days. Then the procedure must be repeated again.

Regular examinations after a walk, as well as observing the behavior of the animal, save it in 80% of cases. As soon as the first symptoms were found, it is necessary to take urgent measures to destroy the parasite.

Do not allow a dog to become infected with piroplasmosis, according to statistics, mortality overtakes 98% of affected animals. Taking care of your pet is not only about playing and walking every day, but also about paying attention to its health and mood.
