Have you acquired a beautiful smart bird and now dream of making it handmade? Know, it is possible to train a parrot of any kind and wildness. But in order to teach a parrot to boldly sit on your shoulder, you will have to go the hard way to conquer this little distrustful creature. The main condition of any training is to make sure that the parrot you need is alone in its cage.

Step 1
Place the parrot cage on a closet or a special shelf at the height of a person's height. It is necessary that your eyes and his on contact are on the same damage. Each time you approach the cage, call the parrot affectionately and affectionately. After about a week, he adapts to the new location.

Step 2
Train your parrot to be around when feeding. To do this, every time the parrot eats, carefully approach it without sudden movements. In the beginning, he will react very violently to your behavior. You are waiting. Reduce the distance between you every day. This stage can take up to two weeks.

Step 3
Now train your parrot to eat food from your hands. To do this, stock up on his favorite treat and patience. Each time you pass food to him through the bars on your fingers, call him affectionately by name. After a while, the parrot will get used to it and come down to you from the perch. Only here the bird will show extreme caution. Taking a gift from you for the first time, she will try to get away from you as quickly as possible. Don't bother her. Do not scare your pet with anything.

Step 4
Now is the time to open the cage and, holding out a hand with a treat, wait for the moment for the parrot to move onto it, carried away by eating food. But don't take your hand out of the cage. Your accustomed parrot will likely do this trick easily the first time.

Step 5
Having achieved some success here, you can begin to remove the parrot from the cage, gradually transplanting it from hand to shoulder. Use the same methods for this with a treat and sweet words. Chances are, during training, your bird will learn to speak its first words.