The parrot itself will not speak. He needs to be taught this. Of course, you can buy an adult parrot that speaks, but its cost is quite high. In addition, adult parrots have a hard time getting used to new owners. There is only one way out - to buy a chick, become a friend for him and teach speech on his own.

Step 1
Repeat the phrase that you would like to hear from your pet for a long time. The parrot will start copying words without associating them with the situation or objects. That is, the reproduction will not depend on external factors, but will be just another kind of song that was learned while communicating with a person. This form of speaking is common to most parrots.
Step 2
There are methods for teaching smarter conversation. Show the parrot objects and actions that are relevant to your phrases. Point your pet to the apple when you ask them to bring it. When doing this, use several apples. So the parrot will understand that the apple is not one specific fruit that you indicated.
Step 3
Pay special attention to intonation. The speech should have an emotional connotation. This will allow the bird to quickly memorize the words and learn how to reproduce them. The parrot does not just learn words and sentences, but learn to use them to the point, obeying the connections of a reflex nature.
Step 4
Pronounce the words loudly and slowly, without changing intonation. The pitch of the voice should also not change.
Step 5
It is known that teaching to speak is more effective if it is carried out by a woman. The fact is that it is easier for parrots to imitate a high voice. Therefore, men need to talk to the bird in a higher timbre.
Step 6
Classes with a parrot are best done in the morning. However, there are cases when excellent results were achieved by people whose activities did not allow paying attention to the pet in the morning.