What Does A Cowhide Cow Mean?

What Does A Cowhide Cow Mean?
What Does A Cowhide Cow Mean?

The word yalovy comes from the ancient Slavic "yalov", which means barren. In modern zootechnical practice, the term "barnyard" refers to cows that have not become pregnant within 80-85 days after the previous calving. That is, they did not bring offspring during the calendar year. Barrenness is an economic concept, meaning a shortage of calves for a year and expressed as a percentage.

Cow with calf
Cow with calf

Causes of cow barrenness

Normally, cows should come into heat in the first two months after calving. If this does not happen, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the reasons for the violation of the reproductive function of cows.

There are many reasons that can cause such violations. They can be associated with diseases of the genital organs of animals. But most often they lie in improper feeding and keeping of cattle.

The work of the reproductive function of cows can be disrupted due to both underfeeding and overfeeding. Underfeeding and the resulting starvation cause metabolic restructuring. This is fraught with a disorder of the nervous and endocrine systems that regulate sexual function. Overfeeding often leads to obesity and degeneration of the tissues of the uterus and ovaries.

Reproductive disorders can also occur due to poor conditions for keeping cows: dampness and low temperature in the room, excessive gas pollution in barns, lack of walks for animals and some other reasons.

Prevention of cow barrenness

Attempts to prevent barrenness of animals with the help of any one agent or drug have not yet yielded the desired result. Therefore, in order to achieve insemination of cows at the optimal physiological time, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of measures.

The primary task is to ensure good housing conditions and adequate feeding in the period before and immediately after calving. It is important not only to feed the cow to its fullest, but also to observe the structure of the diet.

So, the lack of hay and root crops, coupled with an excess of silage and concentrates, negatively affects the condition of cows during this period. After all, an excessive amount of proteins with a relative lack of carbohydrates can lead to metabolic disorders and cause infertility.

The presence of macro and micronutrients in the diet is also important. The former include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, the latter - iron, copper, manganese, iodine and others. Lack of these substances also negatively affects the reproductive function of cows. Vitamins, especially vitamins A, E and D, also have a great influence on the function of reproduction.

It is also necessary to carry out a gynecological examination of cows in a timely manner. According to their results, veterinarians, for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes, can prescribe various hormonal and stimulating drugs. Hormone-treated cows are given active walks for 2-3 hours a day for a distance of 3-4 kilometers.
