What Does Alimony Puppies Mean?

What Does Alimony Puppies Mean?
What Does Alimony Puppies Mean?

Breeding purebred dogs or, moreover, breeding work on creating a new breed is a very responsible, troublesome and expensive business. It is clear that owners of purebred bitches and males take part in it. Both those and others can count on their share of the future litter. The owner of the dog is entitled to payment in cash or in kind - alimony puppy.

What does alimony puppies mean?
What does alimony puppies mean?

Knitting as a legal transaction

The relationship between the owner of the bitch and the owner of the dog is formalized in the form of a deal, in which each of them is an interested party. Most often, such a deal is formalized in the form of an oral agreement, according to which the owner of the dog has the right to receive the so-called "alimony" puppy in the form of payment for using the seed material of his dog. According to the existing standard rules, he has the right to independently choose any puppy from the litter, but, however, only the second, after the first choice is made by the owner of the bitch. If desired, he can refuse the puppy and receive its value in money.

Such an order exists, is justified and is quite sufficient when it is not a question of breeding work and the breed of dogs is quite widespread. In the event that these are expensive and rare breeds or dogs involved in the breeding process, the mating is formalized by this civil act - an agreement in a simple written form or a referral for mating. Since, when it comes to the laws of nature, chances and surprises are difficult to avoid, such a document allows you to foresee them and stipulate the conditions under which both parties will be able to observe their interests. In the contract or in the direction of mating, such essential conditions are usually prescribed, the observance of which will allow the owner of the dog to receive an alimony puppy:

- it must be agreed as a form of payment;

- there must be at least five puppies in the litter, recognized free from marriage, which is confirmed by the official act of their examination;

- the dog owner must pick up the alimony puppy due to him within a certain time after the activation of the litter, usually 3 days.

Alimony puppy or money

This does not always depend only on the desire of the owner of the producer. Since the main costs of maintaining a pregnant bitch, childbirth and postnatal maintenance and care of the dog and puppies fall on the shoulders of the owner, it is important that his interests are respected. It is fair to assume that when a bitch has brought less than 5 puppies, giving one of them as payment is too high a price, given that the dog is also "to blame" for the low number of litters.

Therefore, in some cases, if a bitch brings 4 puppies, the owner of the dog can get only 75% of the cost of the puppy, if 3 - 50% of the cost, if 2 - 25%, he will not receive anything for one. But, of course, all this must be agreed in advance.